Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Book Spotlight ~ Uncommon by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred - Adult, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance @MirrorWorldPub

Mirror World Publishing and Sapphyria's Book Promotions present the 1-Week Book Tour for 

by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred

About Uncommon:

Rygal Saline has always stood in his sister’s shadow. As heir to the Clan Chief, Rhea has been trained in the art of leadership and warfare. Rygal is just, well, Rygal.

After several years away at a College in Ismera, Rygal returns to Jaram for his father’s funeral only to find a letter from his sister. She’s gone, she’s sorry, and she expects him to take her place as the next clan chief. Never envisioning a place for himself within the clan, let alone taking on the responsibilities of leadership, Rygal finds himself alone and out of his depth.

Desperate for companionship and for someone he can turn to for help, he writes a letter to every eligible maiden on the continent, hoping to find a wife. The letters travel far and wide. Most are rejected until an accident of fate sends Rygal’s letters into the hands of two women for whom they were never intended, setting in motion a plot that threatens to bring Clan Jaram to the brink of war.

Visit the Tour Hosts:


Read an Exclusive Excerpt:

When they brought her father’s body home, Rhea Saline did not cry. Straight-backed, she put one foot in front of the other in the wake of six men in blue and brown leathers. Their shaved heads were bared with top knots smooth and glistening with oil, their faces held to the sky even though the icy, wet wind cut at them mercilessly as they carried the Clan Chief’s hulking form on a litter up the long winding mountain trail.

Within the deep shadows of her dark blue cloak and shrouded by thick curling strands of her long, dark hair, Rhea was protected from the rain and the wind, but the weather wasn’t what concerned her. Through the thick fabric, she felt the stares of her people on her back and knew the entire Clan was watching her every movement; scrutinizing her.

But in her mind’s eye she was watching not this funeral, but another. The body, wrapped in old, off-white linens, had been smaller then, and her vision blurred by tears, not rain. That day, in the last dying embers of a long summer, her father had stood where she stood now, his shoulders broad and straight, and he had been the one to stare at her, scrutinize her, and find her wanting. She remembered hating him for it.

Now, it was his body they prepared to hoist onto the pyre.

As they reached the sacred plateau where those loved by the Clan were sent on, her former position was occupied by her younger brother, Rygal. Technically, he was Rygal Saline the Second, but as the first of his name was two steps from the pyre, the point seemed moot. Tall and lean, and dressed more like a scholar than a warrior, her brother at least knew where to stand by instinct, not like how she had needed to be shown. But he was a man grown, not a child like she had been when their mother passed. However, she could hear him sniffling, fighting back the emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. Without thinking, she wordlessly thrust a handkerchief in his direction, just as her father had done to her all those years ago.

I’m just like him. The thought was as clear and sharp as the cold mountain air. He raised me to be just like him.

Rhea glanced back once more at Rygal, taking in their obvious similarities in his nearly black hair, strong jaw and nose, and the blue of his eyes, while equally noticing his differences: his slight build, the hunch in his posture from too much time spent bent over a desk, and the way he shivered at the chill in the air. He would never take his place among the warriors of their clan, but she also knew that wasn’t what he wanted.

Rygal caught her eye and tried to smile encouragingly. She lifted the corners of her mouth to return the gesture, but turned away before the expression could become a grimace.

This Clan lost its heart when it lost my mother and it won’t regain it with me in my father’s place. Rygal’s gloved hand slid into her bare one, squeezing it, and Rhea felt the first hint of tears sting her eyes. She fought them, directing her gaze skyward to meet the icy rain head-on. Rygal probably wouldn’t agree with me, and the clan certainly wouldn’t, but Jaram needs a nurturer like my mother was. She thought about the clan she knew now and the clan of her youth; things had changed, grown harder in many ways.

We’ve gone too long with only the tough love of my father and it’s not enough. As a border nation, Jaram was a Clan of warriors, herself included, but in her father’s time as Chief they had become less focused on just defending the borders and more focused on keeping them closed. They were obsessed with being the best, the strongest, feared. The clan now lived and breathed for the fight, but they no longer fought for the freedom to live and breathe. We’ve lost our way.

The six clansmen before her parted to allow the clan’s resident Priestess of Saegard to join them nearest to the pyre. A petite dark-haired young woman barely visible under her thick grey cloak, May was nothing like Rhea had always pictured the sisters of the fabled order she’d read about as a child, but she was what the clan had been sent. May’s thin, reedy voice began the funeral dirge, her high pitch in stark contrast to the low, deep voices of the six clansmen who joined her soon after. The sound was low at first, competing with the hush of the rain and the moaning of the wind, but as more and more clanspeople reached the snow-dusted plateau and filled it, they joined in and their voices blended together, growing in strength and number.

The combined sound swelled, rising and lowering in turns, undulating on the wind. There were so many voices now; the clan had grown large and strong. Awed by the sheer force of their song, Rhea turned, looking out over the plateau at the mass of gathered clanspeople. It was as she had feared, they were looking back at her. It was one thing to feel their stares on her back, but another to face them head on and find them not just looking at her but to her, for leadership.

She could see it. See herself leading them into battle. Clan Jaram had become the strongest of all the Clans, even larger now than the High Clan of Haldor, the one all the other Clans had chosen to represent them to the outside world. If commanded into battle, these trained and disciplined warriors would be an unstoppable force. It was tempting, but in the battlefield of her mind Rhea watched her clanspeople fall as wave after wave of them crashed into the enemy. No, I can’t be responsible for that much death. She shuddered.

If father knew what I was considering he would call me weak and selfish. And maybe I am, she thought as she was handed the torch and the six clansmen made way for her to step forward and light the fire. But he is gone and the clan is mine to protect now.

And I will protect it. She stepped back to watch as wood and cloth alike caught fire and the flames spread, consuming everything they could reach. The fire climbed higher, flames licking at the sky despite the rain’s attempt to dampen them, and for the first time in Rhea’s life she found she no longer cared what her father thought or wanted. Goodbye, Father, may you find peace.

Book Details:

Publisher: ‎ Mirror World Publishing; 1st edition
Publication Date: ‎ September 17, 2022
Print Length: ‎ 339 pages

Order Links:

Mirror World Publishing ebook: 

Mirror World Publishing paperback: 

Meet the Authors:

Justine Alley Dowsett (right) is the author of more than ten novels and one of the founders of Mirror World Publishing. Her books, which she often co-writes with her sister, Murandy Damodred (left), range from young adult science fiction to dark fantasy/romance. She earned a BA in Drama from the University of Windsor, honed her skills as an entrepreneur by tackling video game production, and now she dedicates her time to writing, publishing, and occasionally roleplaying with her friends.

With a background in Drama and Communications from the University of Windsor, Murandy Damodred enjoys fantasy fiction with strong romantic subplots. She is an avid role-player and is happiest when living vicariously through her characters. Though she'd rather think of herself as the heroine of her next novel, in the real world she is a nurse and a mom of two living in Windsor, Ontario.






Publisher Website:


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Book Tour Host Schedule ~ Uncommon by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred - Adult, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance @MirrorWorldPub

Mirror World Publishing and Sapphyria's Book Promotions present the 1-Week Book Tour for 

by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred

About Uncommon:

Rygal Saline has always stood in his sister’s shadow. As heir to the Clan Chief, Rhea has been trained in the art of leadership and warfare. Rygal is just, well, Rygal.

After several years away at a College in Ismera, Rygal returns to Jaram for his father’s funeral only to find a letter from his sister. She’s gone, she’s sorry, and she expects him to take her place as the next clan chief. Never envisioning a place for himself within the clan, let alone taking on the responsibilities of leadership, Rygal finds himself alone and out of his depth.

Desperate for companionship and for someone he can turn to for help, he writes a letter to every eligible maiden on the continent, hoping to find a wife. The letters travel far and wide. Most are rejected until an accident of fate sends Rygal’s letters into the hands of two women for whom they were never intended, setting in motion a plot that threatens to bring Clan Jaram to the brink of war.

Tour Host Schedule:

September 17 - Release Day

Mirror World Publishing - Spotlight

sapphyrias.book.reviews - Spotlight

September 19

Tiffany Shand Author Blog - Spotlight

Sapphyria's Books - Exclusive Excerpt

September 20

Jojo Debrazza - Spotlight

Sapphyria's Book Promotions - Spotlight

September 21

Lynn's Romance Enthusiasm - Exclusive Excerpt

sapphyrias.book.reviews - Spotlight

September 22

Sharon Ledwith: I came. I saw. I wrote. - Exclusive Excerpt

Leigh Goff - Spotlight

September 23

Reviews by Saph - Review

Sapphyria's Books - Exclusive Excerpt

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

BOOK TOUR SIGN UP INVITATION ~ Uncommon by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred #Comedy, #Fantasy, #Romance @MirrorWorldPub #Amazon gift card host #giveaway

 There is still time to sign up!!


Uncommon by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred - Adult, #Comedy, #Fantasy, #Romance. 

The tour runs September 17-23, 2022

For more information and to sign up, please visit: https://forms.gle/TLdeUZ2W3me6Snop8

**All who post during the tour (and send me their scheduled or live link) will be entered for a chance to win a $5.00 Amazon gift card**

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Urgently in need of more hosts for the 1-week book tour for Uncommon by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred #Comedy, #Fantasy, #Romance @MirrorWorldPub #Amazon gift card host #giveaway

 Requesting sign-ups for a quick blog post or social media share!


Uncommon by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred - Adult, #Comedy, #Fantasy, #Romance. 

The tour runs September 17-23, 2022

For more information and to sign up, please visit: https://forms.gle/TLdeUZ2W3me6Snop8

**All who post during the tour (and send me their scheduled or live link) will be entered for a chance to win a $5.00 Amazon gift card**

Monday, September 5, 2022

BOOK TOUR SIGN UP INVITATION ~ Uncommon by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred #Comedy, #Fantasy, #Romance @MirrorWorldPub #Amazon gift card host #giveaway



Uncommon by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred - Adult, #Comedy, #Fantasy, #Romance. 

The tour runs September 17-23, 2022

For more information and to sign up, please visit: https://forms.gle/TLdeUZ2W3me6Snop8

**All who post during the tour (and send me their scheduled or live link) will be entered for a chance to win a $5.00 Amazon gift card**

Monday, August 29, 2022

BOOK TOUR SIGN UP INVITATION ~ Uncommon by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred #Comedy, #Fantasy, #Romance @MirrorWorldPub ~ #Amazon gift card host #giveaway



Uncommon by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred - Adult, #Comedy, #Fantasy, #Romance. 

The tour runs September 17-23, 2022

For more information and to sign up, please visit: https://forms.gle/TLdeUZ2W3me6Snop8

**All who post during the tour (and send me their scheduled or live link) will be entered for a chance to win a $5.00 Amazon gift card**

Monday, August 22, 2022

Cover Reveal ~ Uncommon by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred - Adult, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance @MirrorWorldPub

Mirror World Publishing and Sapphyria's Book Promotions present the cover reveal for 

by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred

About Uncommon:

Rygal Saline has always stood in his sister’s shadow. As heir to the Clan Chief, Rhea has been trained in the art of leadership and warfare. Rygal is just, well, Rygal.

After several years away at a College in Ismera, Rygal returns to Jaram for his father’s funeral only to find a letter from his sister. She’s gone, she’s sorry, and she expects him to take her place as the next clan chief. Never envisioning a place for himself within the clan, let alone taking on the responsibilities of leadership, Rygal finds himself alone and out of his depth.

Desperate for companionship and for someone he can turn to for help, he writes a letter to every eligible maiden on the continent, hoping to find a wife. The letters travel far and wide. Most are rejected until an accident of fate sends Rygal’s letters into the hands of two women for whom they were never intended, setting in motion a plot that threatens to bring Clan Jaram to the brink of war.

Visit the Tour Hosts:


Book Details:

Publisher: ‎ Mirror World Publishing; 1st edition
Publication Date: ‎ September 17, 2022
Print Length: ‎ 339 pages

Pre-Order Links:

Mirror World Publishing ebook: 

Mirror World Publishing paperback: 

Meet the Authors:

Justine Alley Dowsett (right) is the author of more than ten novels and one of the founders of Mirror World Publishing. Her books, which she often co-writes with her sister, Murandy Damodred (left), range from young adult science fiction to dark fantasy/romance. She earned a BA in Drama from the University of Windsor, honed her skills as an entrepreneur by tackling video game production, and now she dedicates her time to writing, publishing, and occasionally roleplaying with her friends.

With a background in Drama and Communications from the University of Windsor, Murandy Damodred enjoys fantasy fiction with strong romantic subplots. She is an avid role-player and is happiest when living vicariously through her characters. Though she'd rather think of herself as the heroine of her next novel, in the real world she is a nurse and a mom of two living in Windsor, Ontario.






Publisher Website:


Sunday, August 21, 2022

Cover Reveal Host Schedule ~ Uncommon by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred - Adult, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance @MirrorWorldPub

Mirror World Publishing and Sapphyria's Book Promotions present the cover reveal for 

by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred

About Uncommon:

Rygal Saline has always stood in his sister’s shadow. As heir to the Clan Chief, Rhea has been trained in the art of leadership and warfare. Rygal is just, well, Rygal.

After several years away at a College in Ismera, Rygal returns to Jaram for his father’s funeral only to find a letter from his sister. She’s gone, she’s sorry, and she expects him to take her place as the next clan chief. Never envisioning a place for himself within the clan, let alone taking on the responsibilities of leadership, Rygal finds himself alone and out of his depth.

Desperate for companionship and for someone he can turn to for help, he writes a letter to every eligible maiden on the continent, hoping to find a wife. The letters travel far and wide. Most are rejected until an accident of fate sends Rygal’s letters into the hands of two women for whom they were never intended, setting in motion a plot that threatens to bring Clan Jaram to the brink of war.

Visit the Tour Hosts:

1. Mirror World Publishing 


2. Sharon Ledwith: I came. I saw. I wrote. 


3. The Bookwyrm 


4. Tiffany Shand Author Blog


5. Girl with Pen 


6. Jojo Debrazza

Friday, August 12, 2022

Cover Reveal Sign Up Invitation - Uncommon by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred - Adult, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance (August 22, 2022) - Includes a Host Giveaway!!

Here is the sign up for Uncommon by Justine Alley Dowsett & Murandy Damodred - Adult, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance for August 22, 2022.

About the Book:

Rygal Saline has always stood in his sister’s shadow. As heir to the Clan Chief, Rhea has been trained in the art of leadership and warfare. Rygal is just, well, Rygal.

After several years away at a College in Ismera, Rygal returns to Jaram for his father’s funeral only to find a letter from his sister. She’s gone, she’s sorry, and she expects him to take her place as the next clan chief. Never envisioning a place for himself within the clan, let alone taking on the responsibilities of leadership, Rygal finds himself alone and out of his depth.

Desperate for companionship and for someone he can turn to for help, he writes a letter to every eligible maiden on the continent, hoping to find a wife. The letters travel far and wide. Most are rejected until an accident of fate sends Rygal’s letters into the hands of two women for whom they were never intended, setting in motion a plot that threatens to bring Clan Jaram to the brink of war.

For more information and to sign up, please visit: https://forms.gle/XcY2CqgjVPKCs8xh7

Host Giveaway Information:

Everyone who signs up and posts the materials on their website, blog, and/or social media account(s) will be entered for a chance to win a $5.00 Amazon gift card. 

Posts must go live on August 22 before 11:59pm to be eligible.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Book Tour & #Giveaway ~ Sex, Bugs & UFOs by Warren A. Shepherd ~ @Lonemonkey @MirrorWorldPub ~ #SciFi #SpaceOpera #Adventure #Aliens #UFOs

Sex, Bugs & UFOs by Warren A. Shepherd


About the Book:

Abandoned by his mum at the age of seven, former UFO investigator, Dave Morrissey, is coerced back into business to investigate a cold case that’s suddenly gotten hotter with the death of an old woman in a nursing home. As the questions begin piling up about her peculiar past, Morrissey must reluctantly enlist the aid of a shifty tabloid journalist with surprising insights into all things otherworldly.

Together, they uncover clues that paint a target on Morrissey’s back big enough to attract the sights of an unstable UFO conspiracy theorist, a cunning galactic bounty hunter, and a vicious terrorist for hire with nefarious designs on the secrets hidden in his DNA.

Morrissey’s desperate quest for the truth launches him from the grey streets of London, across the stars, and deep into the heart of an intergalactic mystery that will turn the idea of who he is and where he belongs in the universe on its head.

All Morrissey wants to do is find his way home but in space, no one can hear you whinge…

Book Details:

ISBN: 978-1987976892
ISBN-10: 1987976892
Publisher: ‎ Mirror World Publishing; 1st edition
Publication Date: ‎ July 17, 2022
Print Length: ‎ 348 pages

Read an Excerpt:

Morrissey was seven when he first suspected that the world didn’t fit him quite right. Two sizes too big or two sizes too small, he couldn’t be sure. All he knew was that planet Earth pinched him in all the wrong places. Discovering this uncomfortable truth wasn’t like when you learn there is no Santa Claus, or that In The Beginning, Man created God and not the other way around. No. The truth had hit him very much like the tight, smelly fist of a schoolyard bully called Norman Riley.

The fight, if you could call it that, didn’t last long; a three against one attack rarely does. Why do thugs always travel in threes? But Morrissey managed to get off one good shot that seemed to make his point. After that, he spent most of the time blocking Norman’s punches with his nose while his henchmen pinned Morrisey’s arms.

Later that night, he sat at the dining room table, silently pushing peas around his plate while his mum sat patiently opposite. She was too good at mothering to force him to talk before he was ready, but he knew she couldn’t go on pretending he didn’t have an entire tissue box bunged up his nose to stop the bleeding.

“Do you want to talk about it?” she said softly.

Morrissey shrugged the question away without meeting her gaze. Finally, he answered. “Norman Riley is a wanker.”

His mum suppressed a grin. “Davey! You can’t call him that.”

“Well he is. He’s a bully and a wanker.”

“But he’s never picked on you before.” A twitch of worry flickered across her face. “He hasn’t, has he?”

Being the new kid in town made Morrissey easy prey in Norman’s book, having only recently moved to London from a small town south of Sheffield. Up until now, he’d been able to avoid the brunt of Norman’s torments; there were plenty of other victims further down the food chain. “No. I can usually stay out of his way.”

“But not today?”

“Not today.” Today, Norman had come at him with a full-on purpose. Kids can be horrible to one another, and Norman excelled at horrible. “He said…he said things.”

His mum tried to defuse the situation with one of her tender smiles. “People say things all the time, Davey. Doesn’t mean we have to start fights over them.”

Morrissey glared. “Does it look like I started the fight?”

“No, but — “

“It was about you.” The words came rushing out, unbidden. “He said things about you.”

She stiffened. “What…sort of things?”

Morrissey replayed the scene over in his head, complete with Norman’s malicious glee at having spread the poison. “He said you and his mum got into an argument at the Co-Op. Didn’t you just say that we can’t go around starting fights?” His mum looked away, sheepishly. “He said the fight was about whether or not UFOs are real. How is that even worth fighting about? He said you told her you’d seen one, that you’d even seen an alien.” His mum’s fascination with extraterrestrial phenomena was no secret to him; they’d often make a game of it as they looked up at the stars. Sometimes, when they were out in public, they would play a game of spot the alien, playfully pointing out likely candidates who could be extraterrestrials amongst the passersby, making up fantastic planets complete with complex races and civilisations. But that was a game. Their game. Norman had turned it into something vile and twisted. “He said you were a crackpot. A freak. A mental case.” Morrissey turned his eyes up from his plate, fighting the well of tears. “Is it true? Did you see one — an alien?” His words felt sour and accusatory on the way out.

His mum blanched. Morrissey could tell she was struggling for just the right answer. “That’s silly, Luv. Why would I say that?”

“Why would Norman say that? He’s not smart enough to make something like that up. Is it true?”

She took too long to answer. “I’m so sorry, Luv, I really am. It’s something I don’t like to talk about.”

Purchase Links:

Mirror World Publishing: 


Amazon CA Ebook: 

Amazon CA Paperback: 


Barnes & Noble: 

Meet the Author:

Warren A. Shepherd was seven when he first realized the world didn’t fit him quite right. Two sizes too big or two sizes too small, he couldn’t be sure. But having been transported from the streets of London, England to the streets of Toronto, Canada at such a young age left him with a profound sense of alienation — a boy with one foot in each world yet belonging in neither. The experience, however, did sharpen his sense of self-awareness and made him a keen observer of the human (and not-so-human) condition. 

When he sees what humankind is capable of, both the good and the bad, he imagines how we would cope amongst the stars and is driven to tell stories of strange new worlds to try to explain the one that he often cannot. 

After all, it takes an alien to know an alien… 

Connect with the Author:

Author Website:




Goodreads Author Page:

Amazon Author Page:

Sign up to be a tour host: Details and Sign Up Form

Enter the Giveaway:

Monday, July 18, 2022

Read an Exclusive Excerpt from New Release ~ Sex, Bugs & UFOs by Warren A. Shepherd ~ @Lonemonkey @MirrorWorldPub ~ #SciFi #SpaceOpera #Adventure #Aliens #UFOs

Sex, Bugs & UFOs by Warren A. Shepherd


About the Book:

Abandoned by his mum at the age of seven, former UFO investigator, Dave Morrissey, is coerced back into business to investigate a cold case that’s suddenly gotten hotter with the death of an old woman in a nursing home. As the questions begin piling up about her peculiar past, Morrissey must reluctantly enlist the aid of a shifty tabloid journalist with surprising insights into all things otherworldly.

Together, they uncover clues that paint a target on Morrissey’s back big enough to attract the sights of an unstable UFO conspiracy theorist, a cunning galactic bounty hunter, and a vicious terrorist for hire with nefarious designs on the secrets hidden in his DNA.

Morrissey’s desperate quest for the truth launches him from the grey streets of London, across the stars, and deep into the heart of an intergalactic mystery that will turn the idea of who he is and where he belongs in the universe on its head.

All Morrissey wants to do is find his way home but in space, no one can hear you whinge…

Book Details:

ISBN: 978-1987976892
ISBN-10: 1987976892
Publisher: ‎ Mirror World Publishing; 1st edition
Publication Date: ‎ July 17, 2022
Print Length: ‎ 348 pages

Read an Excerpt:

The soldiers moved to within metres, steadying their weapons for a clear shot. The middle soldier’s opaque helmet visor shimmered to a translucent sheen. “Chendra Vaziil. My name is Captain Sha’an and I am placing you under arrest for the crimes of genocide, mass murder, and terrorism. Surrender yourself and accept the consequences of your actions.”

Vaziil knew of Captain Sha’an by her reputation only; the Thon Pahl were serious, indeed, about his capture. “Terrorism — really, Captain? I suppose that’s one way to look at it. I much prefer the term Freedom Fighter. It has a much more noble ring to it, don’t you think? It’s a matter of perspective.”

“Facts don’t have a perspective. Be warned: this is the only offer you’re going to receive that doesn’t result in your immediate termination — and rest assured, no one would shed a tear if your life were to end at this very moment. Now, release your hostage and surrender yourself.”

“Or what? You’ll shoot through this human to get to me? I think she might shed a tear or two if she were caught in your line of fire. What do you think, Human? Would you mind being a victim for this soldier’s cause?”

“Roger — I can’t…I don’t understand what you’re saying. Who are these — what are these things?”

Vaziil clamped his hand over the mewling woman’s mouth. “My dear Captain, I appreciate your tenacity, respect it even, but this human’s life is inconsequential to me. If, as you say, I’ve killed these thousands of beings, then what’s one more. Especially one of these.” He shook his petrified hostage for effect.

“We’ve chased you across the cosmos, following the trail of blood to every planet you’ve ravaged, every species you’ve morphed into — but always one step behind. Do you really think we’re likely to give you up now?”

“Well, that’s the funny thing,” he said calmly, “you don’t really have a choice.”

Captain Sha’an cocked her head toward her unwavering weapon. “We have all the choices in the world.”

“Then you’ll want to choose very wisely. You see, my dear Captain, I’m not just here on a sightseeing tour. My work here is at a very delicate stage and if it’s interrupted, well, who knows what might happen. You need only remind yourself of the eighty thousand of your brethren who perished the last time.”

Captain Sha’an seemed to choke on her words. “You mean the Thon Pahl colonists you butchered?”

The ripple of sorrow that betrayed the soldier sent a wave of exhilaration charging through Vaziil’s soul. “Once again, it’s all about perspective,” he said, poking judiciously at the Thon Pahl’s emotional wounds. “Semantics aside, all you need concern yourself with is that at this very moment, I have a device poised within striking distance of this pathetic rock — a weapon of sorts, if you will. Suffice it to say that this…device has a rather potent bite — potent enough to shake this world to rubble and scatter its ashes across the stars.”

The two flanking soldiers shifted awkwardly; colour flushed from Captain Sha’an’s already pale mauve skin, but she remained undeterred. “That’s impossible. There is no weapon that can destroy a whole planet. The energy required would be more than — “

“Please Captain. You’re thinking like a Thon Pahl, it’s embarrassing. You might want to check your scanners.”

Captain Sha’an nodded to one of her soldiers who checked the vibrant string of data pumping from his tactical module. “I’m detecting an object pushing through from hyperspace approximately 100,000 kilometres from the planet’s surface,” he said. “The object is roughly five hundred metres in diameter and giving off powerful energy readings. The pattern is unrecognisable but growing steadily. I’ve never seen anything like it, Captain.”

Sha’an twitched. “There is no hyperspace window that close to this system, let alone this planet.”

“Then imagine the havoc when my weapon punches through into normal space. Any planet caught in the blast wave of such a hyperspatial rupture would be pulverised to atoms and blasted across the light years without even leaving a stain on the universe.”

Vaziil pushed the metal spiral deeper into the woman’s skin; a dark trickle of blood snaked down her neck. “Maybe you’re willing to sacrifice the life of one human but are you prepared to sacrifice the lives of billions? Billions. What kind of butcher would that make you?” He twisted his human mouth into a smile of sorts. “I can see that is a difficult question for you, Captain. So all you need to focus on is that the weapon is keyed to my biological triggers and is set to activate if I’m under threat. And between you and me, I’m feeling a little threatened at the moment. Therefore, I’m going to make you a counter-offer — one that doesn’t involve blasting me with holes or blasting this world to…well, to nothing.

Purchase Links:

Mirror World Publishing: 


Amazon CA Ebook: 

Amazon CA Paperback: 


Barnes & Noble: 

Meet the Author:

Warren A. Shepherd was seven when he first realized the world didn’t fit him quite right. Two sizes too big or two sizes too small, he couldn’t be sure. But having been transported from the streets of London, England to the streets of Toronto, Canada at such a young age left him with a profound sense of alienation — a boy with one foot in each world yet belonging in neither. The experience, however, did sharpen his sense of self-awareness and made him a keen observer of the human (and not-so-human) condition. 

When he sees what humankind is capable of, both the good and the bad, he imagines how we would cope amongst the stars and is driven to tell stories of strange new worlds to try to explain the one that he often cannot. 

After all, it takes an alien to know an alien… 

Connect with the Author:

Author Website:




Goodreads Author Page:

Amazon Author Page:

Sign up to be a tour host: Details and Sign Up Form

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Saturday, July 16, 2022

1-Week Book Tour Schedule ~ Sex, Bugs & UFOs by Warren A. Shepherd ~ @Lonemonkey @MirrorWorldPub ~ #SciFi #SpaceOpera #Adventure #Aliens #UFOs

Sex, Bugs & UFOs by Warren A. Shepherd


About the Book:

Abandoned by his mum at the age of seven, former UFO investigator, Dave Morrissey, is coerced back into business to investigate a cold case that’s suddenly gotten hotter with the death of an old woman in a nursing home. As the questions begin piling up about her peculiar past, Morrissey must reluctantly enlist the aid of a shifty tabloid journalist with surprising insights into all things otherworldly.

Together, they uncover clues that paint a target on Morrissey’s back big enough to attract the sights of an unstable UFO conspiracy theorist, a cunning galactic bounty hunter, and a vicious terrorist for hire with nefarious designs on the secrets hidden in his DNA.

Morrissey’s desperate quest for the truth launches him from the grey streets of London, across the stars, and deep into the heart of an intergalactic mystery that will turn the idea of who he is and where he belongs in the universe on its head.

All Morrissey wants to do is find his way home but in space, no one can hear you whinge…

Book Tour Schedule:

July 17

July 18

July 19

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July 20

Sharon Ledwith: I came. I saw. I wrote. - Social Media Spotlights
Twitter: @sharonledwith https://twitter.com/sharonledwith

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July 21

Sapphyria's Book Promotions - Spotlight

sapphyrias.book.reviews - Spotlight

July 22

Girl with Pen - Exclusive Excerpt

Reviews by Saph - Review

Sapphyria's Books - Spotlight

Book Details:

ISBN: 978-1987976892
ISBN-10: 1987976892
Publisher: ‎ Mirror World Publishing; 1st edition
Publication Date: ‎ July 17, 2022
Print Length: ‎ 348 pages

Preorder Links:

Mirror World Publishing: 


Amazon CA Ebook: 

Amazon CA Paperback: 


Barnes & Noble: 

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