Friday, July 19, 2024

Book Feature & #ExclusiveExcerpt ~ Nine Levels by Elana Gomel ~ Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Greek Mythology ~ @MirrorWorldPub @ElanaGomel

Mirror World Publishing and Sapphyria's Book Promotions present the 1-week virtual book tour for Nine Levels by Elana Gomel.

About Nine Levels:

Waking up on the beach in Greece after a midnight party, Cleo, a British-Greek tourist, sees a stranger sitting next to her. The stranger has a giant spider on his forearm.

So begins an incredible odyssey through the nine levels of the mysterious mountain populated by an odd assortment of monsters, demons, and avatars of dead gods. Still grieving the unsolved disappearance of her twin sister Cora, Cleo is thrust into the world whose rules she does not understand and whose inhabitants confound everything she thought she knew about Greek mythology. Confronted by Woven Women, masked huntresses, sentient graffiti, and Mother of Monsters, Cleo has to make sense of it all. And meanwhile, a mysterious Call reverberates in her brain: You have to go up. You have to find your sister.

A story of self-discovery, courage, and breathtaking adventure, Nine Levels is a highly imaginative, innovative, and engrossing retelling of familiar legends with a twist you won’t see coming.

Exclusive Excerpt:

“Come on!” The woman set off at a brisk pace and Cleo, too shocked to assert her independence, followed. She cast a fearful glance toward the bench where she had woken up, but the man with a spider was gone. Had he really been there?

Cleo trudged on, keeping her head down and refusing to look to her right where the impossible monolith of the mountain rose above the promenade. If she did not acknowledge it, would it go away? It was a weird thought but no weirder than everything else that was happening to her. The dazzle of the sun seemed to be dissolving reality into a fluid nightmare. All she wanted right now was to take a hot shower, discard her salt-encrusted clothes, and hide her head under the blanket, hoping to fall asleep – or to wake up.

“Are you alone here?” the crow woman asked.

“With friends.”

“Where are they?”

That was a good question, which unleashed Cleo’s pent-up indignation at Iris and Mick for abandoning her on the beach. She opened her mouth to say she did not know, and they could go to hell for all she cared – mates don’t do things like this, leaving you alone and unconscious on the beach after a party, to be robbed or worse…

The words stuck in her mouth. She suddenly realized something she should have realized immediately when the crow woman had first addressed her.

Cleo understood the woman perfectly, but she could not tell what language she was speaking.

Cleo spoke fluent Greek. Her mother Daphne was a Greek who married an Englishman named Jerrod Brown and moved to Brighton with him. When Mr. Brown abandoned his wife and twin daughters to disappear into the limbo of deadbeat husbands and fathers, the girls were shipped to their maternal grandmother Eleni on Karystos. When they reluctantly came back to England several years later, Cleo and Cora spoke only Greek to each other. Other identical twins develop their own private languages; the Brown twins picked up the language of Homer for that purpose. Daphne, who always tried to be more British than the Queen, was not happy, but she had enough trouble surviving on the council estate to worry about the twins’ national identity.

Growing up bilingual had its advantages and disadvantages. Cora seemed to have accumulated more mental bruises from being suspended between two worlds; Cleo fit in better by learning to shapeshift linguistically, picking up accents like trophies, to the point that her friends in London did not know she spoke Greek and her Greek acquaintances did not realize she was British.

But even if Cleo had automatically answered the crow woman in Greek, how could she not know what language they were speaking? It made no sense.

“I am Cleo,” she said tentatively. “What’s your name?”

She heard the sounds leaving her mouth, but for the life of her, she could not say whether it was English or Greek. It was…language, that was all; a means of communication. She understood herself. She knew the crow woman understood her. But it was as if the richness of many different tongues had been compressed into something uniform and bland. Cleo, like all bilingual people, felt she had different personas in Greek and in English, and now these personas were blended into an average Cleo. As her language became invisible to her, she felt she was becoming invisible to herself.

“I’m Alexandra,” the crow woman responded, and Cleo tried to roll the sound of the name on her tongue, tasting each syllable. Was it the broad A of English or the more subdued Ἀ of Greek? She could not tell.

Follow the Tour and Read Exclusive Excerpts, Reviews, and Post Comments:

Release Date: July 17, 2024

Purchase Links:

Mirror World Publishing:



Amazon US

Kindle ebook and Paperback

Meet the Author:

Born in Ukraine and currently residing in California, Elana Gomel is an academic, an award-winning writer, and a professional nomad. She is well-known for her work on speculative fiction and narrative theory, represented by her academic books, which Beyond the Golden Rule, Bloodscripts, and The Palgrave Handbook of Global Fantasy. Twelve years ago she published her first fantasy novel and has never looked back. She is the author of more than a hundred short stories, two collections, several novellas, and seven novels. She writes dark fantasy, dark SF, fairy tales, and hard-to classify dreamlike stories, some of them connected to her roots in the former USSR. Her stories won several awards, and “Mine Seven” was featured in the Best of Horror 13 edited by Ellen Datlow. Her latest fiction publications are the dark fairy tale Nightwood (Silver Award in the Bookfest 2023 competition) and Girl of Light, an alternative history of the USSR with monsters. Many of her stories and novels have mythological and folkloric overtones, inspired by her travels and her academic research. Having lived in several countries including Israel, Italy, the UK, and Hong Kong, she now resides in the magical – and sinister – redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains with her husband.

Amazon Author Profile:

Sign up to be a tour host here: 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Book Tour Schedule ~ Nine Levels by Elana Gomel ~ Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Greek Mythology ~ @MirrorWorldPub @ElanaGomel

Mirror World Publishing and Sapphyria's Book Promotions present the 1-week virtual book 
tour for Nine Levels by Elana Gomel.

About Nine Levels:

Waking up on the beach in Greece after a midnight party, Cleo, a British-Greek tourist, sees a stranger sitting next to her. The stranger has a giant spider on his forearm.

So begins an incredible odyssey through the nine levels of the mysterious mountain populated by an odd assortment of monsters, demons, and avatars of dead gods. Still grieving the unsolved disappearance of her twin sister Cora, Cleo is thrust into the world whose rules she does not understand and whose inhabitants confound everything she thought she knew about Greek mythology. Confronted by Woven Women, masked huntresses, sentient graffiti, and Mother of Monsters, Cleo has to make sense of it all. And meanwhile, a mysterious Call reverberates in her brain: You have to go up. You have to find your sister.

A story of self-discovery, courage, and breathtaking adventure, Nine Levels is a highly imaginative, innovative, and engrossing retelling of familiar legends with a twist you won’t see coming.

Book Tour Schedule:

July 17

Mirror World Publishing - Spotlight

Sapphyria's Books - Exclusive Excerpt

July 18

Sharon Ledwith: I came. I saw. I wrote. - Exclusive Excerpt

Reviews by Saph - Spotlight - Spotlight

July 23

The Writer's Life - Spotlight

Reviews by Saph - Review

Sapphyria's Books - Spotlight

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

#Urgent Need of Hosts ~ 1-Week Virtual Book Tour Sign Up Invitation ~ Nine Levels by Elana Gomel ~ Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Greek Mythology (July 17-23, 2024) @MirrorWorldPub @ElanaGome

1-Week Virtual Book Tour Sign Up Invitation

Nine Levels by Elana Gomel

Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Greek Mythology (July 17-23, 2024)
Please fill out the form below or go to 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

1-Week Virtual Book Tour Sign Up Invitation ~ Nine Levels by Elana Gomel ~ Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Greek Mythology (July 17-23, 2024) @MirrorWorldPub @ElanaGome

1-Week Virtual Book Tour Sign Up Invitation

Nine Levels by Elana Gomel

Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Greek Mythology (July 17-23, 2024)
Please fill out the form below or go to 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

1-Week Virtual Book Tour Sign Up Invitation ~ Nine Levels by Elana Gomel ~ Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Greek Mythology (July 17-23, 2024) @MirrorWorldPub @ElanaGome

1-Week Virtual Book Tour Sign Up Invitation

Nine Levels by Elana Gomel

Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Greek Mythology (July 17-23, 2024)
Please fill out the form below or go to 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

1-Week Virtual Book Tour Sign Up Invitation ~ Nine Levels by Elana Gomel ~ Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Greek Mythology (July 17-23, 2024) @MirrorWorldPub @ElanaGome

1-Week Virtual Book Tour Sign Up Invitation

Nine Levels by Elana Gomel

Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Greek Mythology (July 17-23, 2024)
Please fill out the form below or go to 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Greek Mythology Cover Reveal ~ Nine Levels by Elana Gomel ~ @MirrorWorldPub @ElanaGomel

Mirror World Publishing and Sapphyria's Book Promotions present the cover reveal for 
Nine Levels by Elana Gomel.

About Nine Levels:

Waking up on the beach in Greece after a midnight party, Cleo, a British-Greek tourist, sees a stranger sitting next to her. The stranger has a giant spider on his forearm.

So begins an incredible odyssey through the nine levels of the mysterious mountain populated by an odd assortment of monsters, demons, and avatars of dead gods. Still grieving the unsolved disappearance of her twin sister Cora, Cleo is thrust into the world whose rules she does not understand and whose inhabitants confound everything she thought she knew about Greek mythology. Confronted by Woven Women, masked huntresses, sentient graffiti, and Mother of Monsters, Cleo has to make sense of it all. And meanwhile, a mysterious Call reverberates in her brain: You have to go up. You have to find your sister.

A story of self-discovery, courage, and breathtaking adventure, Nine Levels is a highly imaginative, innovative, and engrossing retelling of familiar legends with a twist you won’t see coming.

Release Date: July 17, 2024

Meet the Author:

Born in Ukraine and currently residing in California, Elana Gomel is an academic, an award-winning writer, and a professional nomad. She is well-known for her work on speculative fiction and narrative theory, represented by her academic books, which Beyond the Golden Rule, Bloodscripts, and The Palgrave Handbook of Global Fantasy. Twelve years ago she published her first fantasy novel and has never looked back. She is the author of more than a hundred short stories, two collections, several novellas, and seven novels. She writes dark fantasy, dark SF, fairy tales, and hard-to classify dreamlike stories, some of them connected to her roots in the former USSR. Her stories won several awards, and “Mine Seven” was featured in the Best of Horror 13 edited by Ellen Datlow. Her latest fiction publications are the dark fairy tale Nightwood (Silver Award in the Bookfest 2023 competition) and Girl of Light, an alternative history of the USSR with monsters. Many of her stories and novels have mythological and folkloric overtones, inspired by her travels and her academic research. Having lived in several countries including Israel, Italy, the UK, and Hong Kong, she now resides in the magical – and sinister – redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains with her husband.

Amazon Author Profile:

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Submissions Still Being Accepted for the Against All Odds Anthology Contest by Mirror World Publishing ~ @MirrorWorldPub #TilTheEndOfJune

Submissions for Against All Odds, the third volume of 
Mirror World Publishing's Far, Far Away series is now open! 

Contest opened May 1st, 2024 and Mirror World Publishing will be accepting submissions until the end of June!

This post has everything you need to know about what Mirror World Publishing is looking for and how to submit your work!

What Mirror World Publishing is looking for: Short stories and novellas ranging between 5000 to 25,000 words that are science fiction, fantasy, adventure, time travel, romance, or some combination of the above that focus on a theme of love against the odds. This includes love in dangerous places and times, love between diverse or marginalized populations, love in unlikely or unusual circumstances.

Mirror World Publishing is looking for original, unpublished works and as always they prefer stories with engaging openings, character-driven stories, and quality world-building.

There is a fee of $25 CAD to enter, but all money raised will go toward prizes for the winning entries as well as production of the book, Against All Odds: Far, Far Away Vol. 3,  to be released next summer.

Winning entries will receive: A contract for publication in Against All Odds + a minimum prize of $75 CAD + 1 Author Copy of the finished paperback, and option to order more copies at wholesale cost

As always, submissions and inquiries are to be sent to submissions[at] Or by filling out this entry form:

If you’re not a writer, or don’t plan to enter but still want to support the creation of Against All Odds, please consider donating through this link:

Or purchasing an ebook or paperback copy of Far, Far Away (vol. 1) or From Here to There (vol.2) in our store and we’ll put aside all profit form these titles in the month of May to go toward the contest and production of Against All Odds (Vol. 3)!

Connect with Mirror World Publishing:







Links for Volumes 1 & 2:

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Submissions Now Being Accepted for the Against All Odds Anthology Contest by Mirror World Publishing ~ @MirrorWorldPub

Submissions for Against All Odds, the third volume of 
Mirror World Publishing's  Far, Far Away series is now open! 

Contest opened May 1st, 2024 and Mirror World Publishing will be accepting 
submissions until the end of May. 

This post has everything you need to know about what Mirror World Publishing is looking for and how to submit your work!

What Mirror World Publishing is looking for: 

Short stories and novellas ranging between 5000 to 25,000 words that are science fiction, fantasy, adventure, time travel, romance, or some combination of the above that focus on a theme of love against the odds. This includes love in dangerous places and times, love between diverse or marginalized populations, love in unlikely or unusual circumstances.

Mirror World Publishing is looking for original, unpublished works and as always they prefer stories with engaging openings, character-driven stories, and quality world-building.

There is a fee of $25 CAD to enter, but all money raised will go toward prizes for the winning entries as well as production of the book, Against All Odds: Far, Far Away Vol. 3,  to be released next summer.

Winning entries will receive: 

A contract for publication in Against All Odds + a minimum prize of $75 CAD + 1 Author Copy of the finished paperback, and option to order more copies at wholesale cost

As always, submissions and inquiries are to be sent to submissions[at] Or by filling out this entry form:

If you’re not a writer, or don’t plan to enter but still want to support the creation of Against All Odds, please consider donating through this link:

Or purchasing an ebook or paperback copy of Far, Far Away (vol. 1) or From Here to There (vol.2) in our store and we’ll put aside all profit form these titles in the month of May to go toward the contest and production of Against All Odds (Vol. 3)!

Connect with Mirror World Publishing:







Links for Volumes 1 & 2:

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Submissions OPEN for the Against All Odds Anthology Contest by Mirror World Publishing ~ @MirrorWorldPub

Submissions for Against All Odds, the third volume of Mirror World Publishing's
 Far, Far Away series is now open! 

Contest opened May 1st, 2024 and Mirror World Publishing will be accepting 
submissions until the end of May. 

This post has everything you need to know about what Mirror World Publishing is looking 
for and how to submit your work!

What Mirror World Publishing is looking for: 

Short stories and novellas ranging between 5000 to 25,000 words that are science fiction, fantasy, adventure, time travel, romance, or some combination of the above that focus on a theme of love against the odds. This includes love in dangerous places and times, love between diverse or marginalized populations, love in unlikely or unusual circumstances.

Mirror World Publishing is looking for original, unpublished works and as always they prefer stories with engaging openings, character-driven stories, and quality world-building.

There is a fee of $25 CAD to enter, but all money raised will go toward prizes for the winning entries as well as production of the book, Against All Odds: Far, Far Away Vol. 3,  to be released next summer.

Winning entries will receive: 

A contract for publication in Against All Odds + a minimum prize of $75 CAD + 1 Author Copy of the finished paperback, and option to order more copies at wholesale cost

As always, submissions and inquiries are to be sent to submissions[at] Or by filling out this entry form:

If you’re not a writer, or don’t plan to enter but still want to support the creation of Against All Odds, please consider donating through this link:

Or purchasing an ebook or paperback copy of Far, Far Away (vol. 1) or From Here to There (vol.2) in our store and we’ll put aside all profit form these titles in the month of May to go toward the contest and production of Against All Odds (Vol. 3)!

Mirror World Publishing Social Media:







Links for Volumes 1 & 2:

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Submissions Now Being Accepted for the Against All Odds Anthology Contest by Mirror World Publishing ~ @MirrorWorldPub

Submissions for Against All Odds, the third volume of Mirror World Publishing's  Far, Far Away series is now open! 

Contest opened May 1st, 2024 and Mirror World Publishing will be accepting submissions until the end of May. 

This post has everything you need to know about what Mirror World Publishing is looking for and how to submit your work!

What Mirror World Publishing is looking for: 

Short stories and novellas ranging between 5000 to 25,000 words that are science fiction, fantasy, adventure, time travel, romance, or some combination of the above that focus on a theme of love against the odds. This includes love in dangerous places and times, love between diverse or marginalized populations, love in unlikely or unusual circumstances.

Mirror World Publishing is looking for original, unpublished works and as always they prefer stories with engaging openings, character-driven stories, and quality world-building.

There is a fee of $25 CAD to enter, but all money raised will go toward prizes for the winning entries as well as production of the book, Against All Odds: Far, Far Away Vol. 3,  to be released next summer.

Winning entries will receive: 

A contract for publication in Against All Odds + a minimum prize of $75 CAD + 1 Author Copy of the finished paperback, and option to order more copies at wholesale cost

As always, submissions and inquiries are to be sent to submissions[at] Or by filling out this entry form:

If you’re not a writer, or don’t plan to enter but still want to support the creation of Against All Odds, please consider donating through this link:

Or purchasing an ebook or paperback copy of Far, Far Away (vol. 1) or From Here to There (vol.2) in our store and we’ll put aside all profit form these titles in the month of May to go toward the contest and production of Against All Odds (Vol. 3)!

Connect with Mirror World Publishing:







Links for Volumes 1 & 2:

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Submissions Now Being Accepted for the Against All Odds Anthology Contest by Mirror World Publishing ~ @MirrorWorldPub

Submissions for Against All Odds, the third volume of Mirror World Publishing's
 Far, Far Away series is now open! 

Contest opened May 1st, 2024 and Mirror World Publishing will be accepting 
submissions until the end of May. 

This post has everything you need to know about what Mirror World Publishing is looking
for and how to submit your work!

What Mirror World Publishing is looking for: 

Short stories and novellas ranging between 5000 to 25,000 words that are science fiction, fantasy, adventure, time travel, romance, or some combination of the above that focus on a theme of love against the odds. This includes love in dangerous places and times, love between diverse or marginalized populations, love in unlikely or unusual circumstances.

Mirror World Publishing is looking for original, unpublished works and as always they prefer stories with engaging openings, character-driven stories, and quality world-building.

There is a fee of $25 CAD to enter, but all money raised will go toward prizes for the winning entries as well as production of the book, Against All Odds: Far, Far Away Vol. 3,  to be released next summer.

Winning entries will receive: 

A contract for publication in Against All Odds + a minimum prize of $75 CAD + 1 Author Copy of the finished paperback, and option to order more copies at wholesale cost

As always, submissions and inquiries are to be sent to submissions[at] Or by filling out this entry form:

If you’re not a writer, or don’t plan to enter but still want to support the creation of Against All Odds, please consider donating through this link:

Or purchasing an ebook or paperback copy of Far, Far Away (vol. 1) or From Here to There (vol.2) in our store and we’ll put aside all profit form these titles in the month of May to go toward the contest and production of Against All Odds (Vol. 3)!

Connect with Mirror World Publishing:







Links for Volumes 1 & 2:

Monday, March 18, 2024

Read an #ExclusiveExcerpt from The Pheeworker’s Oath by Adam Gaylord - SciFi, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery ~ @AuthorGaylord @MirrorWorldPub

Welcome to the -Week Virtual Book Tour Schedule for The Pheeworker’s Oath by Adam Gaylord - SciFi, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery 
March 17-22, 2024)

About The Pheeworker’s Oath:

Humans don’t belong on this world. The refugees who crash-landed on the Atipok homeworld can’t see or touch phee, the elemental power which flows through rock and stone like living rivers of light. From the moment of his hatching, healer Takey has manipulated phee to heal, bending strands to his will to mend muscle and bone for both human and Atipok alike.

But when the Atipok queen is murdered and her death blamed on an orphaned human child capable of pheework, the first of her kind, a rift is torn between the two races that could spell the end of humanity. Anti-human factions seize power and the Atipok army is on the march. Can Takey survive long enough to unravel the strands of conspiracy, protect the child, and broker a peace to avoid genocide without betraying his own people or himself?

Read an Exclusive Excerpt:

Chatraka, the huge apex predators of the southern grasslands, rarely strayed this far north. In their native range, attacks were rare, and only upon lone travelers, but this was the third attack on a human settlement in as many lunars. Something had changed.

Of course, since the humans had crashed into our planet, much had changed.

I exhaled, my anger dissipating, and moved on to the younger female. She lay on her side, apparently unharmed, shielded from violence by her familial cocoon. I rested my hand on her shoulder and harnessed another tendril of phee, willing it into the center of her limp form.

The phee tendril blunted and bent like a piece of straw thrust against the side of a wagon.

I flinched.

“What’s wrong?” Hassan asked.

“Just a moment.” Again, I tried to coax power into the girl, this time more subtly, much as I would for one of my own kind. Medical pheework is invasive by its very nature. Insinuating phee into another without permission is an attack and a grievous crime amongst Atipok, second only to forcibly coercing a pheeworker’s ability. As a healer, I’m allowed such intimate contact, but only with great care. Over the solars, I’d grown used to rougher treatment with my human patients given that they couldn’t sense phee one way or the other.

On an Atipok, one of the easiest entry points is the tip of the tail. I figured the vestigial human tailbone might be an equivalent. I closed my eyes and traveled with the strand, attempting to gently needle it into the base of the girl’s spine. Just as before, the strand deflected, not upon her skin, but upon a thin layer of elemental power that lay just on top, like a coating of liquid armor.

My scales rippled in surprise. My eyes swept the forest surrounding the clearing, the light blue needles of the pines swaying in the light breeze, but found no sign of outside manipulation. My mind raced as I tried to come up with some kind of explanation, but I quickly conceded there was but one.

I leaned back. “Fascinating,” I murmured, as much to myself as Hassan.

“What? What’s wrong?” Concern creased Hassan’s broad face. Like all his kind he was rather ugly, but in a kindly sort of way. He had brown skin, although much lighter than the girl’s, with short cropped black fur circling his face.

“Who is this girl?” I asked.

“I think her name is Molly. Her parents are—were—Sam and Monica.”

“How old is she?”

“I don’t know, twelve or thirteen. Why?”

I glanced at the other humans standing around us, watching the scene. Several eyed me with suspicion, a common reaction to pheework among humans. A couple looked downright hostile. Hassan caught on and dismissed them to look for salvageable provisions. Then he turned back to me. “Okay, what’s going on?”

“This girl is the first known human pheeworker.”

“What? Are you su—” He hesitated. “I mean, how is that possible?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well, is she okay?”

“She’s encased in phee.”


SciFi, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery

Book Tour Schedule:


From Aimee Ogden, Nebula Finalist:

A compellingly alien protagonist, who also has the deeply-held and familiar belief that a better world is possible. 

In THE PHEEWORKER'S OATH, neither compassion nor cruelty are traits limited to humankind. There are no easy answers to the complexities of human refugees building a new home for themselves on a different world--but it is easy to care about the compellingly alien Takey, and about his deeply-held and familiar belief that a better world is possible. 

From Rachael Jones, WFA Finalist & Tiptree Award honoree:

The Pheeworker's Oath is a timely science fiction tale about a stranded human colony dependent upon the Atipok, aliens with near-mystical abilities that allow them to control their environment and their very bodies. It is a fascinating examination of how manipulative leaders harness fear of the other to gain power, and how the only way to break that power is to find kinship with the very beings you've been told to fear. This adventure story showcases timeless themes and intriguing worldbuilding. Come for the cool alien powers, stay for the lizardlike Atipok--but don't you dare call them Lizards!

Purchase Links:



Meet the Author:

Adam Gaylord (he/him) lives in Colorado with a wife that is smarter than him, their two monster children, and a very handsome dog. When not at work as an ecologist, he’s usually writing, baking, drawing comics, or some combination thereof. Look him up on GoodReads or find him on Twitter/BlueSky @AuthorGaylord.

Connect with Adam Gaylord :


Goodreads Author Page: 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Book Tour Schedule for The Pheeworker’s Oath by Adam Gaylord - SciFi, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery ~ @AuthorGaylord @MirrorWorldPub

1-Week Virtual Book Tour Schedule for The Pheeworker’s Oath by Adam Gaylord - SciFi, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery (March 17-22, 2024) 

About The Pheeworker’s Oath:

Humans don’t belong on this world. The refugees who crash-landed on the Atipok homeworld can’t see or touch phee, the elemental power which flows through rock and stone like living rivers of light. From the moment of his hatching, healer Takey has manipulated phee to heal, bending strands to his will to mend muscle and bone for both human and Atipok alike.

But when the Atipok queen is murdered and her death blamed on an orphaned human child capable of pheework, the first of her kind, a rift is torn between the two races that could spell the end of humanity. Anti-human factions seize power and the Atipok army is on the march. Can Takey survive long enough to unravel the strands of conspiracy, protect the child, and broker a peace to avoid genocide without betraying his own people or himself?

Genres: SciFi, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery

Pre-Order Discount: PREORDERPHEE



Book Tour Schedule:

March 19

Tiffany Shand - Spotlight

Reviews by Saph - Exclusive Excerpt

The Bookwyrm - Spotlight

March 20

The Writer's Life - Spotlight

Sapphyria's Books - Spotlight

March 21

Girl with Pen - Spotlight

Sapphyria's Book Promotions - Spotlight

Reviews by Saph - Review

March 22

Sharon Ledwith: I came. I saw. I wrote. - Spotlight - Review

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Urgently In Need of Hosts for the 1-Week Virtual Book Tour for The Pheeworker’s Oath by Adam Gaylord - SciFi, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery (March 17-22, 2024) @MirrorWorldPub

 Hello bloggers, authors, and social media influencers!

Here is the 1-week tour invitation for The Pheeworker’s Oath by Adam Gaylord. The tour is March 17-22, 2024.

I don't require top or only post of the day for any of my tours. Materials will include a standard post and an HTML. You also don't need to have a blog/website to participate. I accept posts on all social media platforms.

About The Pheeworker’s Oath:

Humans don’t belong on this world. The refugees who crash-landed on the Atipok homeworld can’t see or touch phee, the elemental power which flows through rock and stone like living rivers of light. From the moment of his hatching, healer Takey has manipulated phee to heal, bending strands to his will to mend muscle and bone for both human and Atipok alike.

But when the Atipok queen is murdered and her death blamed on an orphaned human child capable of pheework, the first of her kind, a rift is torn between the two races that could spell the end of humanity. Anti-human factions seize power and the Atipok army is on the march. Can Takey survive long enough to unravel the strands of conspiracy, protect the child, and broker a peace to avoid genocide without betraying his own people or himself?

Genres: SciFi, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery

To learn more and to sign up, please visit this link:

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Attention Bloggers, Authors, and Social Media Influencers ~ 1-Week Virtual Book Tour Sign Up Invitation ~ The Pheeworker’s Oath by Adam Gaylord - SciFi, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery (March 17-22, 2024) @MirrorWorldPub

 Hello bloggers, authors, and social media influencers!

Here is the 1-week tour invitation for The Pheeworker’s Oath by Adam Gaylord. The tour is March 17-22, 2024.

I don't require top or only post of the day for any of my tours. Materials will include a standard post and an HTML. You also don't need to have a blog/website to participate. I accept posts on all social media platforms.

About The Pheeworker’s Oath:

Humans don’t belong on this world. The refugees who crash-landed on the Atipok homeworld can’t see or touch phee, the elemental power which flows through rock and stone like living rivers of light. From the moment of his hatching, healer Takey has manipulated phee to heal, bending strands to his will to mend muscle and bone for both human and Atipok alike.

But when the Atipok queen is murdered and her death blamed on an orphaned human child capable of pheework, the first of her kind, a rift is torn between the two races that could spell the end of humanity. Anti-human factions seize power and the Atipok army is on the march. Can Takey survive long enough to unravel the strands of conspiracy, protect the child, and broker a peace to avoid genocide without betraying his own people or himself?

Genres: SciFi, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery

To learn more and to sign up, please visit this link:

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Looking for Hosts ~ The Pheeworker’s Oath by Adam Gaylord - 1-Week Virtual Book Tour ~ SciFi, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery (March 17-22, 2024) @MirrorWorldPub

 Hello bloggers, authors, and social media influencers!

Here is the 1-week tour invitation for The Pheeworker’s Oath by Adam Gaylord. The tour is March 17-22, 2024.

I don't require top or only post of the day for any of my tours. Materials will include a standard post and an HTML. You also don't need to have a blog/website to participate. I accept posts on all social media platforms.

About The Pheeworker’s Oath:

Humans don’t belong on this world. The refugees who crash-landed on the Atipok homeworld can’t see or touch phee, the elemental power which flows through rock and stone like living rivers of light. From the moment of his hatching, healer Takey has manipulated phee to heal, bending strands to his will to mend muscle and bone for both human and Atipok alike.

But when the Atipok queen is murdered and her death blamed on an orphaned human child capable of pheework, the first of her kind, a rift is torn between the two races that could spell the end of humanity. Anti-human factions seize power and the Atipok army is on the march. Can Takey survive long enough to unravel the strands of conspiracy, protect the child, and broker a peace to avoid genocide without betraying his own people or himself?

Genres: SciFi, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery

To learn more and to sign up, please visit this link:

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Invitation to Host 1-Week Virtual Book Tour ~ The Pheeworker’s Oath by Adam Gaylord - SciFi, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery (March 17-22, 2024) @MirrorWorldPub

 Hello bloggers, authors, and social media influencers!

Here is the 1-week tour invitation for The Pheeworker’s Oath by Adam Gaylord. The tour is March 17-22, 2024.

I don't require top or only post of the day for any of my tours. Materials will include a standard post and an HTML. You also don't need to have a blog/website to participate. I accept posts on all social media platforms.

About The Pheeworker’s Oath:

Humans don’t belong on this world. The refugees who crash-landed on the Atipok homeworld can’t see or touch phee, the elemental power which flows through rock and stone like living rivers of light. From the moment of his hatching, healer Takey has manipulated phee to heal, bending strands to his will to mend muscle and bone for both human and Atipok alike.

But when the Atipok queen is murdered and her death blamed on an orphaned human child capable of pheework, the first of her kind, a rift is torn between the two races that could spell the end of humanity. Anti-human factions seize power and the Atipok army is on the march. Can Takey survive long enough to unravel the strands of conspiracy, protect the child, and broker a peace to avoid genocide without betraying his own people or himself?

Genres: SciFi, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery

To learn more and to sign up, please visit this link: