Sunday, March 31, 2019

Cover Reveal Sign Up Form - Blackflies and Blueberries by Sharon Ledwith (April 15, 2019) @SharonLedwith @MirrorWorldPub

Cover Reveal Sign Up Form - Blackflies and Blueberries by Sharon Ledwith (April 15, 2019)


Fill out the form above or click this link to be taken to Google Forms:

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

New Book Release Spotlight & #Giveaway ~ The Gimmal Ring by Karen Koski ~ #MiddleGrade Urban Fantasy, Adventure, Middle Grade ~ @MirrorWorldPub

She wants the ring and she wants it bad!

Book Details:

Title: The Gimmal Ring
Author: Karen Koski

Page Count: 124

Genres: Urban Fantasy, Adventure, Middle Grade

Publisher: Mirror World Books

About The Gimmal Ring:

Gwendolyn Gimmal desperately wants an invitation to the mysterious Gimmal Gala where her family’s coveted ring is bestowed upon new inductees. It’s not that she particularly likes bling, but because she knows it will unlock exciting secrets and reveal what she believes will be her true life’s path. Her younger brother, Gage, also wants to attend the party, but mostly for the food.

After finding her way into the hidden gala, Gwen learns that The Gimmal Ring is not only a piece of jewellery, but also a secret society of people. Things go awry when their parents are kidnapped from the Gala and held for ransom. Gwen and her brother must solve the clues and find the hidden formula the kidnappers have demanded by midnight, or they will never see their family members again. 

Their newly discovered enhanced abilities, while fun, are not completely reliable. Cracking newspaper codes, deciphering invisible maps, and playing a high stakes game of Enigma Machine Twister, are just some of the challenges they must overcome if they are to succeed in time. The adventure starts when they flush themselves in The Tele-Potti, a teleporting commode, and it all goes down the drain from there.

Read an Excerpt:

The hair on her arms stood at attention. She lay on her stomach in the dark, peering through a gap in the curtains, her body rigid with anticipation. Today was the day. Gwendolyn Gimmal was sure of it. She could feel it in her bones...or maybe it was just the hard floor? She had finally learned to slow her breathing to an undetectable level without passing out. Gwen would not be caught off guard. When it arrived, she would be ready. She was stealth, a statue, an invisible ninja.

“She knows we can see her, right?” a voice asked.

Gwen jumped. Her body hovered above the floor for a split second before it thudded down. Her boney hips hit first, breaking her fall. Gwen rolled over and glared at her brother Gage. She wiped at the black paint under her eyes. It was the third time he had snuck up on her...this week. Clearly, she was not ready for the life-changing event to occur. 

“You know Gwen, it’s like waiting for Santa Claus. If he sees you, he won’t come to give you gifts,” Gage said, very matter of fact.

Back to practicing my belly crawl down the hallway at 3 am, she thought.

“Ahh, hi,” a voice said.

Just then Gwen realized there was someone standing beside her brother.

“Sorry to interrupt…whatever it is that you’re doing,” said Josh, a boy from her class, “but I forgot to get those math notes from you.”

Gage munched noisily on crackers. “Oh ya, I let Josh in the back door when I came home.” He shoved more in his mouth. They watched as crumbs fell to the floor.

“Really good hiding spot,” Josh said. Gwen just looked at him. “Yup, really, reaally good.” Josh rocked back on his heels and whistled faintly. “The uhh, black make-up is umm, interesting,” he said making swiping gestures under his eyes with his index fingers. 

“Awkward,” Gage said.

“Ugh.” Gwen groaned and flipped back over onto her stomach, covering herself with a blanket. Back to square one. “I’m not worthy!” she moaned.

“What is she doing?” Josh whispered.

Gage shrugged. “Waiting for an invitation to a party.”

Josh pondered that for a moment. “Weird.”

“Welcome to my world,” Gage said and left the room.

Gwen knew this wasn’t just any party. It was the Gimmal Gala, where she was sure wonderful, secretive, life altering things happened.

Purchase Links:


MW paperback: 

MW Ebook: 


Meet the Author:

Karen Koski writes stories set in magical Windsor and Essex County, Ontario where she was born and raised. Karen’s love of a good mystery inspired her to become a licensed Private Investigator. She is intrigued by anything that is not what it appears to be.

Karen resides in Windsor, Ontario with her husband, two daughters and a Moose.

Enter the Giveaway:

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Happy Release Day ~ The Gimmal Ring by Karen Koski ~ #MiddleGrade Urban Fantasy, Adventure, Middle Grade ~ @MirrorWorldPub #Giveaway

She wants the ring and she wants it bad!

Book Details:

Title: The Gimmal Ring
Author: Karen Koski

Page Count: 124

Genres: Urban Fantasy, Adventure, Middle Grade

Publisher: Mirror World Books

About The Gimmal Ring:

Gwendolyn Gimmal desperately wants an invitation to the mysterious Gimmal Gala where her family’s coveted ring is bestowed upon new inductees. It’s not that she particularly likes bling, but because she knows it will unlock exciting secrets and reveal what she believes will be her true life’s path. Her younger brother, Gage, also wants to attend the party, but mostly for the food.

After finding her way into the hidden gala, Gwen learns that The Gimmal Ring is not only a piece of jewellery, but also a secret society of people. Things go awry when their parents are kidnapped from the Gala and held for ransom. Gwen and her brother must solve the clues and find the hidden formula the kidnappers have demanded by midnight, or they will never see their family members again. 

Their newly discovered enhanced abilities, while fun, are not completely reliable. Cracking newspaper codes, deciphering invisible maps, and playing a high stakes game of Enigma Machine Twister, are just some of the challenges they must overcome if they are to succeed in time. The adventure starts when they flush themselves in The Tele-Potti, a teleporting commode, and it all goes down the drain from there.

Read an Excerpt:

The hair on her arms stood at attention. She lay on her stomach in the dark, peering through a gap in the curtains, her body rigid with anticipation. Today was the day. Gwendolyn Gimmal was sure of it. She could feel it in her bones...or maybe it was just the hard floor? She had finally learned to slow her breathing to an undetectable level without passing out. Gwen would not be caught off guard. When it arrived, she would be ready. She was stealth, a statue, an invisible ninja.

“She knows we can see her, right?” a voice asked.

Gwen jumped. Her body hovered above the floor for a split second before it thudded down. Her boney hips hit first, breaking her fall. Gwen rolled over and glared at her brother Gage. She wiped at the black paint under her eyes. It was the third time he had snuck up on her...this week. Clearly, she was not ready for the life-changing event to occur. 

“You know Gwen, it’s like waiting for Santa Claus. If he sees you, he won’t come to give you gifts,” Gage said, very matter of fact.

Back to practicing my belly crawl down the hallway at 3 am, she thought.

“Ahh, hi,” a voice said.

Just then Gwen realized there was someone standing beside her brother.

“Sorry to interrupt…whatever it is that you’re doing,” said Josh, a boy from her class, “but I forgot to get those math notes from you.”

Gage munched noisily on crackers. “Oh ya, I let Josh in the back door when I came home.” He shoved more in his mouth. They watched as crumbs fell to the floor.

“Really good hiding spot,” Josh said. Gwen just looked at him. “Yup, really, reaally good.” Josh rocked back on his heels and whistled faintly. “The uhh, black make-up is umm, interesting,” he said making swiping gestures under his eyes with his index fingers. 

“Awkward,” Gage said.

“Ugh.” Gwen groaned and flipped back over onto her stomach, covering herself with a blanket. Back to square one. “I’m not worthy!” she moaned.

“What is she doing?” Josh whispered.

Gage shrugged. “Waiting for an invitation to a party.”

Josh pondered that for a moment. “Weird.”

“Welcome to my world,” Gage said and left the room.

Gwen knew this wasn’t just any party. It was the Gimmal Gala, where she was sure wonderful, secretive, life altering things happened.

Purchase Links:


MW paperback: 

MW Ebook: 


Meet the Author:

Karen Koski writes stories set in magical Windsor and Essex County, Ontario where she was born and raised. Karen’s love of a good mystery inspired her to become a licensed Private Investigator. She is intrigued by anything that is not what it appears to be.

Karen resides in Windsor, Ontario with her husband, two daughters and a Moose.

Enter the Giveaway:

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Book Tour Schedule: The Gimmal Ring by Karen Koski #MiddleGrade Urban Fantasy, Adventure, Middle Grade @MirrorWorldPub

She wants the ring and she wants it bad!

Book Details:

Title: The Gimmal Ring
Author: Karen Koski

Page Count: 124

Genres: Urban Fantasy, Adventure, Middle Grade

Publisher: Mirror World Books

About The Gimmal Ring:

Gwendolyn Gimmal desperately wants an invitation to the mysterious Gimmal Gala where her family’s coveted ring is bestowed upon new inductees. It’s not that she particularly likes bling, but because she knows it will unlock exciting secrets and reveal what she believes will be her true life’s path. Her younger brother, Gage, also wants to attend the party, but mostly for the food.

After finding her way into the hidden gala, Gwen learns that The Gimmal Ring is not only a piece of jewellery, but also a secret society of people. Things go awry when their parents are kidnapped from the Gala and held for ransom. Gwen and her brother must solve the clues and find the hidden formula the kidnappers have demanded by midnight, or they will never see their family members again. 

Their newly discovered enhanced abilities, while fun, are not completely reliable. Cracking newspaper codes, deciphering invisible maps, and playing a high stakes game of Enigma Machine Twister, are just some of the challenges they must overcome if they are to succeed in time. The adventure starts when they flush themselves in The Tele-Potti, a teleporting commode, and it all goes down the drain from there.

Tour Schedule:

March 17 - Release Day

Sapphyria's Book Promotions - Spotlight

Sapphyria's Books - Spotlights

Sapphyria's Book Reviews - Spotlight

March 18

Babs Book Bistro - Spotlight

Sharon Ledwith: I came. I saw. I wrote. - Exclusive Excerpt

March 19

Girl with Pen - Exclusive Excerpt

Sapphyria's Book Promotions - Spotlight

March 20

Chris Pavesic - Exclusive Excerpt

FUONLYKNEW - Exclusive Excerpt

March 21

Tales from the bayou... - Spotlight

Triple A - Exclusive Excerpt

March 22

Jojo Debrazza - Exclusive Excerpt

Sapphyria's Books - Spotlights

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Now Scheduling a 1-week Virtual Tour for The Gimmal Ring by Karen Koski (Middle Grade, Urban Fantasy, Adventure (March 17-22)

Mirror World Publishing presents the 1-week book tour for The Gimmal Ring by Karen Koski!

About The Gimmal Ring:

Gwendolyn Gimmal desperately wants an invitation to the mysterious Gimmal Gala where her family’s coveted ring is bestowed upon new inductees.  It’s not that she particularly likes bling, but because she knows it will unlock exciting secrets and reveal what she believes will be her true life’s path. Her younger brother, Gage, also wants to attend the party, but mostly for the food.

After finding her way into the hidden gala, Gwen learns that The Gimmal Ring is not only a piece of jewelry, but also a secret society of people. Things go awry when their parents are kidnapped from the Gala and held for ransom. Gwen and her brother must solve the clues and find the hidden formula the kidnappers have demanded by midnight, or they will never see their family members again. 

Their newly discovered enhanced abilities, while fun, are not completely reliable. Cracking newspaper codes, deciphering invisible maps, and playing a high stakes game of Enigma Machine Twister, are just some of the challenges they must overcome if they are to succeed in time. The adventure starts when they flush themselves in The Tele-Potti, a teleporting commode, and it all goes down the drain from there.

Blog Tour Dates: March 17 - March 22.   I don't require top or only post of the day for any of my tours.  Materials will include a standard post and an HTML. (Release Day is March 17, a Sunday.)

Genre: Middle Grade ~ Urban Fantasy, Adventure, 

Additional Tags: Magical Realism, Secret Society, Puzzles 

Sign up here: