Thursday, May 23, 2024

Submissions Now Being Accepted for the Against All Odds Anthology Contest by Mirror World Publishing ~ @MirrorWorldPub

Submissions for Against All Odds, the third volume of 
Mirror World Publishing's  Far, Far Away series is now open! 

Contest opened May 1st, 2024 and Mirror World Publishing will be accepting 
submissions until the end of May. 

This post has everything you need to know about what Mirror World Publishing is looking for and how to submit your work!

What Mirror World Publishing is looking for: 

Short stories and novellas ranging between 5000 to 25,000 words that are science fiction, fantasy, adventure, time travel, romance, or some combination of the above that focus on a theme of love against the odds. This includes love in dangerous places and times, love between diverse or marginalized populations, love in unlikely or unusual circumstances.

Mirror World Publishing is looking for original, unpublished works and as always they prefer stories with engaging openings, character-driven stories, and quality world-building.

There is a fee of $25 CAD to enter, but all money raised will go toward prizes for the winning entries as well as production of the book, Against All Odds: Far, Far Away Vol. 3,  to be released next summer.

Winning entries will receive: 

A contract for publication in Against All Odds + a minimum prize of $75 CAD + 1 Author Copy of the finished paperback, and option to order more copies at wholesale cost

As always, submissions and inquiries are to be sent to submissions[at] Or by filling out this entry form:

If you’re not a writer, or don’t plan to enter but still want to support the creation of Against All Odds, please consider donating through this link:

Or purchasing an ebook or paperback copy of Far, Far Away (vol. 1) or From Here to There (vol.2) in our store and we’ll put aside all profit form these titles in the month of May to go toward the contest and production of Against All Odds (Vol. 3)!

Connect with Mirror World Publishing:







Links for Volumes 1 & 2:

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