Sunday, November 10, 2019

Now Scheduling a 1-Month Review Only Tour - I Spy a Demon by Keta Diablo (November 15-December 14, 2019) - Includes a Host Giveaway

This is a Review Only tour for I Spy a Demon. Instead of having specific tour dates, this tour will be open from the release date of November 12, 2019 through December 14, 2019. 

Reviews for I Spy a Demon will be due by December 14, 2019. 

No Blog Stop Necessary - however, if you would like to post your review on your blog/website/social media account, the author will provide a $15 Amazon gift card giveaway to followers of the tour. I will provide materials for your posts. Please indicate your desire to host a blog stop, in addition to your review, below. **There will not be any spotlight stops, guest posts, or exclusive excerpts. All sign ups must be for reviews of the book.

Reviews must be posted on Amazon. 
Posting on Goodreads and BookBub would be wonderful, too, but will not count toward the giveaway.

As an incentive to get reviews in on time, each reviewer who posts by December 14, 2019 and submits the link to their Amazon review to me will be entered to win one of the following prizes (winner's choice):

A Handmade Book Bag (image is in the sign up form - link located below) *U.S. mailing addresses only please
A Luxury Bar of Soap (image is in the sign up form - link located below) *U.S. mailing addresses only please
A $7.00 Amazon Gift Card

About I Spy a Demon:

When twins Cecily and Calder Sizemore’s parents are killed in a car accident, they’re adopted by the Frost family—Gus, Mae and their sons, Marcel and Elliott. Over the years, Cecily’s love for Marcel evolves into anything but sisterly.

Cecily always knew something was amiss in the Frost household. Little things belied the calm, peaceful ambiance Mae did her best to portray. Calder tried to warn her things were not as they appeared, but she didn’t want to believe him. When Calder begs her to leave Des Moines, start a new life away from the secrets, away from the Frosts and away from Marcel, she takes his advice and her shattered heart and moves to Minnesota.

Now she’s been called home for her beloved brother's funeral. There's more to the story than meets the eye. Discrepancies in how her twin died lead her back to Des Moines, and back to Marcel―the boy who stole her heart, the man whose very presence turns her blood to liquid fire. Marcel has always kept dangerous secrets, but this time, Cecily is determined to uncover the truth about the Frosts… and the truth about how Calder really died.

She’ll find out what really happened to her brother, even if it’s her last act in life.

Book Length: 33,000 words - approximately 119 pages.

Book Genre: Paranormal Romance

Formats Available: ePub and Mobi

Learn More and Sign Up to Review Here:

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Book Series Spotlight & #Giveaways ~ Pagan Light Series by JoAnne Keltner ~ #YA #Paranormal ~ @JoAnneKeltner

Welcome to the Virtual Book Tour for JoAnne Keltner's Pagan Light series.

Follow the tour to read reviews and exclusive excerpts, and make sure to enter both giveaways!

Pagan Light Series 
by JoAnne Keltner

About Possessed (formerly titled Goth Girl, Virgin Queen), Book 1:

Calling Jackie psychic makes her cringe. But Jackie’s no normal seventeen-year-old. She picks up emotions from people and objects like a freak. The emotions make her sick, and the guilt she feels for lying to her church when she was twelve causes her to deny her psychic abilities. But when her jealous friend Trish invites a demon to help her steal Jason's love for Jackie, Jackie must learn how to use her gift to protect Jason and herself and to heal the negative energies around them. To do so means she must overcome her guilt and accept who she is before the demon claims her soul.

Print book page count: 335

Purchase Your Copy:

About Spellbound, Book 2:

After battling a demon from her great-grandmother’s past, Jackie Turov, a psychic and healer, accepts that all things are possible—even a romantic relationship with the young seminarian, David. But after an elderly church member, an immigrant from Russia, accuses Jackie and her great-grandmother, Babu, of being witches, Jackie questions if Babu was once an evil witch or just someone blessed with healing light. As Jackie sets out to find the truth about Babu’s troubling past, and ultimately about herself, her future with David hangs in the balance.

Print book page count: 376

Purchase Your Copy:

Read an Excerpt from Possessed:

At the Ravenwood Oktoberfest, music came at Jackie from all directions—hip-hop from the roller coaster, rock from the Tilt-a-Whirl, pop from the Himalaya. Red, blue, and yellow bulbs blinked in rhythmic patterns; rides spun and jetted outward; and voices screamed and boomed over loudspeakers. The contrasting movements and sounds clashed in midair. She wanted to close her eyes and press her palms to her ears.

Relax, Jackie.

But she couldn’t.

As they walked down the main path of the carnival, surrounded by a drove of people, emotions swirled around her and she couldn’t distinguish one from the other. It was one huge cauldron of sensations churning inside her.

The camera strap tugged at her neck, and the camera bounced against her stomach. She wanted to hold the lens to her eye and shield herself, but she figured she’d trip.

Jason reached for her, like he wanted to put his arm around her shoulder. But then he hesitated. “You okay?” he asked.

She nodded and sucked in a deep breath.

Zeta waved at her from behind a group of boys in baggy pants and hoodies. “VQ,” she called. Zeta was the only person who could call Jackie VQ without making Jackie cringe. Trish was with her. The two of them looked like total freaks: Zeta in black tights, pointy-toed boots, and a red-and-black striped sweater, a fuzzy scarf tied around her neck; Trish in a black tutu over her jeans, a short, black leather jacket, and multiple ponytails sticking out all over her head.

Nearing the two, Jackie stumbled and grabbed Zeta’s arm for support. Stung by raw emotion, Jackie pulled her hand away like she’d touched a hot burner. Zeta was pure electric, switching on and off sporadically and so fast that she was neither happy nor sad, but energetically sassy. Trish was usually cool to the touch, her predominant mood: melancholy. Her mind was like a snowy TV station, the images faint and ghostly.

People stared at the four of them. Though, usually, not many people ever recognized Jackie with her makeup and black hair—not many people outside of school, that is. She no longer had to worry about them tugging on her or touching her. She only had to worry about what she touched and where she stood.

Every time Trish started to walk in front of Jackie to get close to Jason, Jackie stepped up her pace and casually blocked her. When Trish bumped into her, Jackie was stung by Trish’s anger and unquenched desire.

“Let’s go on the Ferris wheel,” Zeta said. “Maybe we’ll get stuck on top.”

“Not me,” Jackie said. “I’ll probably barf. I’m just getting used to being here.”

“I’m hungry,” Jason said.

“Chow sounds good.” Trish caught Jackie off guard. She crossed in front of Jackie and squeezed next to Jason.

Jason’s eyes widened in terror. He moved behind Jackie and to the other side so that Jackie was in the middle again.

Before anyone could make another move, a woman, with red hair wrapped loosely in a cornflower blue scarf, stepped in front of them and locked her boney hands around Jackie’s.

“What the…” Jackie tried to slip her hands free, but the woman tightened her grip.

The woman was tiny, yet overpowering. Her face was narrow and fox-like. “I know who you are,” she whispered.

Jackie knew who the stranger was too, and she couldn’t pull away. It was like a magnetic force had bound their hands together.

The woman’s beady eyes looked straight into Jackie’s. “Interesting.”

What was weird was, Jackie couldn’t read her, but she knew the woman was reading her.

Zeta shoved the woman’s shoulder. “Leave her alone, you psycho.”

The woman’s eyes darted toward Zeta, allowing Jackie to yank her hands free.

Jason and Trish gathered on each side of Zeta. The three of them glared at the intruder like guard dogs.

The woman smiled, as if satisfied that she had gotten what she wanted. She walked away and sat down at a table in front of a tent with a sign that read, “Psychic Reading $20.”

Follow the Tour:

Make sure to enter both giveaways at the bottom of this post!!

Meet the Author:

Enter the Giveaways:

Rafflecopter Giveaway for a Kindle version of Possessed, Book 1:

Goodreads Giveaway for Spellbound, Book 2:

Sunday, October 27, 2019

#Book Tour Schedule ~ Pagan Light Series by JoAnne Keltner ~ #YA #Paranormal ~ @JoAnneKeltner

Pagan Light Series 
by JoAnne Keltner

About Possessed (formerly titled Goth Girl, Virgin Queen), Book 1:

Calling Jackie psychic makes her cringe. But Jackie’s no normal seventeen-year-old. She picks up emotions from people and objects like a freak. The emotions make her sick, and the guilt she feels for lying to her church when she was twelve causes her to deny her psychic abilities. But when her jealous friend Trish invites a demon to help her steal Jason's love for Jackie, Jackie must learn how to use her gift to protect Jason and herself and to heal the negative energies around them. To do so means she must overcome her guilt and accept who she is before the demon claims her soul.

Print book page count: 335

About Spellbound, Book 2:

After battling a demon from her great-grandmother’s past, Jackie Turov, a psychic and healer, accepts that all things are possible—even a romantic relationship with the young seminarian, David. But after an elderly church member, an immigrant from Russia, accuses Jackie and her great-grandmother, Babu, of being witches, Jackie questions if Babu was once an evil witch or just someone blessed with healing light. As Jackie sets out to find the truth about Babu’s troubling past, and ultimately about herself, her future with David hangs in the balance.

Print book page count: 376

Follow the tour to read excerpts and reviews, learn about the book, and enter both of the tour's giveaways!!

Tour Schedule:

October 28

Sharon Ledwith: I came. I saw. I wrote. - Exclusive Excerpt

Tales from the bayou - Spotlight

Sapphyria's Book Reviews - Exclusive Excerpt

October 29

Fang-tastic Books - Spotlight

Chris Pavesic - Exclusive Excerpt

Saph's Books - Review of Book 1

October 30

Jojo Debrazza - Exclusive Excerpt

Lynn's Romane Enthusiasm - Review of Book 1

Sapphyria's Book Promotions - Spotlight

October 31

Books, Authors, Blogs - Spotlight

Karlee Kay - Exclusive Excerpt

Saph's Books - Review of Book 2

November 1

Girl with Pen - Review of Books 1 & 2

Triple A - Review of Book 2

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Still Looking for Hosts for the 1-week Virtual Tour for the Pagan Light Series by JoAnne Keltner - YA Paranormal (October 28-November 1, 2019) #Paranormal @JoAnneKeltner

Sign ups are now open for JoAnne Keltner's Pagan Light series.

About Possessed (formerly titled Goth Girl, Virgin Queen), Book 1:

Calling Jackie psychic makes her cringe. But Jackie’s no normal seventeen-year-old. She picks up emotions from people and objects like a freak. The emotions make her sick, and the guilt she feels for lying to her church when she was twelve causes her to deny her psychic abilities. But when her jealous friend Trish invites a demon to help her steal Jason's love for Jackie, Jackie must learn how to use her gift to protect Jason and herself and to heal the negative energies around them. To do so means she must overcome her guilt and accept who she is before the demon claims her soul.

Print book page count: 335

No sex

About Spellbound, Book 2:

After battling a demon from her great-grandmother’s past, Jackie Turov, a psychic and healer, accepts that all things are possible—even a romantic relationship with the young seminarian, David. But after an elderly church member, an immigrant from Russia, accuses Jackie and her great-grandmother, Babu, of being witches, Jackie questions if Babu was once an evil witch or just someone blessed with healing light. As Jackie sets out to find the truth about Babu’s troubling past, and ultimately about herself, her future with David hangs in the balance.

Print book page count: 376

No sex, just some passionate kissing

Genre: YA Paranormal

Blog Tour Dates: October 28-November 1, 20019   I don't require top or only post of the day for any of my tours.  Materials will include a standard post and an HTML. 

Sign up using the following link or fill out the form below:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book Tour, #Excerpt, & #Giveaway ~ A Bestiary Alphabet by Felix Eddy ~ Illustrated Guide to Mythological Creatures #Mythology @MirrorWorldPub

Welcome to the tour for A Bestiary Alphabet by Felix Eddy. Enjoy the book information and make sure to scroll down for the giveaway! Thank you for visiting today!

About A Bestiary Alphabet:

From Al-Mi’raj to Zlatarog, The Bestiary Alphabet features a different mythical creature for every letter of the alphabet, lovingly drawn and illustrated by the talented Felix Eddy.

Like the medieval bestiaries of old, the Bestiary Alphabet collects mythological creatures from all over the globe. Some are household names, others are delightful obscurities, but all will move and inspire you to dream of a world that you have never seen. Felix Eddy’s trip through the alphabet will show you the magic, mystery, power and beauty in all the things that might have been.

A Bestiary Alphabet is an illustrated guide to mythological creatures for a general audience.

Follow the Tour:

Book Details:

Hardcover: 92 pages

Publisher: Mirror World Publishing

Publish Date: October 17, 2019

ISBN-10: 1987976614
ISBN-13: 978-1987976618

Read an Excerpt:

The al-mi’raj is a Middle Eastern beast that looks like a very large yellow rabbit with a long black horn growing from its head. Sometimes called simply a-mi’raj, they are said to kill and eat horses, and are very deadly to humans. They are featured in Islamic poetry and said to live on a mysterious island somewhere in the Indian Ocean.

Highly skilled traveling witches were the only ones able to destroy these creatures and prevent them from returning to an area. In fact, it’s likely that these “highly skilled traveling witches” actually spread rumors of these creatures so they could use their “skills” to exterminate them— for a price. They didn’t have to stretch the truth too far, though, because the al-mi’raj was possibly based on real life “attack bunnies”.

There are a few diseases that afflict rabbits, causing lumpy growths or making their fur matt up painfully, appearing like horns, or like bumps where a horn fell off. These rabbits are often driven mad with pain from their twisted and matted fur, which can make them unusually aggressive. While it’s doubtful that a rabbit could kill a horse, even if it was mad with pain, certainly a rabbit that was acting insane and rushing at people would cause some real alarm— perhaps enough to start the myth of a monstrous horned rabbit.

Horned rabbits have been translated into modern use by a number of fantasy writers and game companies. They are featured in video games and role-playing game books, both as monsters and as humorous creatures, called “horned rabbits” or “bunnycorns” or “unibunnies”.

Purchase Links:

Mirror World Publishing


Meet the Author:

Felix Eddy is an artist from Upstate New York. She is the illustrator of several books, including Dragonbait, The Time Traveller’s Resort and Museum, Bark’s Mulberry Socks, and Witches Witches Everywhere. You can find out more about her work at

Enter the Giveaway:

Sign up to be a tour host here:

Friday, October 18, 2019

In Urgent Need of Hosts for the 1-week Virtual Tour for the Pagan Light Series by @JoAnneKeltner - #YA #Paranormal (October 28-November 1, 2019)

Sign ups are now open for JoAnne Keltner's Pagan Light series.

About Possessed (formerly titled Goth Girl, Virgin Queen), Book 1:

Calling Jackie psychic makes her cringe. But Jackie’s no normal seventeen-year-old. She picks up emotions from people and objects like a freak. The emotions make her sick, and the guilt she feels for lying to her church when she was twelve causes her to deny her psychic abilities. But when her jealous friend Trish invites a demon to help her steal Jason's love for Jackie, Jackie must learn how to use her gift to protect Jason and herself and to heal the negative energies around them. To do so means she must overcome her guilt and accept who she is before the demon claims her soul.

Print book page count: 335

No sex

About Spellbound, Book 2:

After battling a demon from her great-grandmother’s past, Jackie Turov, a psychic and healer, accepts that all things are possible—even a romantic relationship with the young seminarian, David. But after an elderly church member, an immigrant from Russia, accuses Jackie and her great-grandmother, Babu, of being witches, Jackie questions if Babu was once an evil witch or just someone blessed with healing light. As Jackie sets out to find the truth about Babu’s troubling past, and ultimately about herself, her future with David hangs in the balance.

Print book page count: 376

No sex, just some passionate kissing

Genre: YA Paranormal

Blog Tour Dates: October 28-November 1, 20019   I don't require top or only post of the day for any of my tours.  Materials will include a standard post and an HTML. 

Sign up using the following link or fill out the form below:

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Happy Release Day Book Tour, #Excerpt, & #Giveaway ~ A Bestiary Alphabet by Felix Eddy ~ Illustrated Guide to Mythological Creatures #Mythology @MirrorWorldPub

About A Bestiary Alphabet:

From Al-Mi’raj to Zlatarog, The Bestiary Alphabet features a different mythical creature for every letter of the alphabet, lovingly drawn and illustrated by the talented Felix Eddy.

Like the medieval bestiaries of old, the Bestiary Alphabet collects mythological creatures from all over the globe. Some are household names, others are delightful obscurities, but all will move and inspire you to dream of a world that you have never seen. Felix Eddy’s trip through the alphabet will show you the magic, mystery, power and beauty in all the things that might have been.

A Bestiary Alphabet is an illustrated guide to mythological creatures for a general audience.

Follow the Tour:

Book Details:

Hardcover: 92 pages

Publisher: Mirror World Publishing

Publish Date: October 17, 2019

ISBN-10: 1987976614
ISBN-13: 978-1987976618

Read an Excerpt:

The al-mi’raj is a Middle Eastern beast that looks like a very large yellow rabbit with a long black horn growing from its head. Sometimes called simply a-mi’raj, they are said to kill and eat horses, and are very deadly to humans. They are featured in Islamic poetry and said to live on a mysterious island somewhere in the Indian Ocean.

Highly skilled traveling witches were the only ones able to destroy these creatures and prevent them from returning to an area. In fact, it’s likely that these “highly skilled traveling witches” actually spread rumors of these creatures so they could use their “skills” to exterminate them— for a price. They didn’t have to stretch the truth too far, though, because the al-mi’raj was possibly based on real life “attack bunnies”.

There are a few diseases that afflict rabbits, causing lumpy growths or making their fur matt up painfully, appearing like horns, or like bumps where a horn fell off. These rabbits are often driven mad with pain from their twisted and matted fur, which can make them unusually aggressive. While it’s doubtful that a rabbit could kill a horse, even if it was mad with pain, certainly a rabbit that was acting insane and rushing at people would cause some real alarm— perhaps enough to start the myth of a monstrous horned rabbit.

Horned rabbits have been translated into modern use by a number of fantasy writers and game companies. They are featured in video games and role-playing game books, both as monsters and as humorous creatures, called “horned rabbits” or “bunnycorns” or “unibunnies”.

Purchase Links:

Mirror World Publishing


Meet the Author:

Felix Eddy is an artist from Upstate New York. She is the illustrator of several books, including Dragonbait, The Time Traveller’s Resort and Museum, Bark’s Mulberry Socks, and Witches Witches Everywhere. You can find out more about her work at

Enter the Giveaway:

Sign up to be a tour host here:

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Virtual Book Tour Schedule: A Bestiary Alphabet by Felix Eddy ~ Illustrated Guide to Mythological Creatures #Mythology @MirrorWorldPub

About A Bestiary Alphabet:

From Al-Mi’raj to Zlatarog, The Bestiary Alphabet features a different mythical creature for every letter of the alphabet, lovingly drawn and illustrated by the talented Felix Eddy.

Like the medieval bestiaries of old, the Bestiary Alphabet collects mythological creatures from all over the globe. Some are household names, others are delightful obscurities, but all will move and inspire you to dream of a world that you have never seen. Felix Eddy’s trip through the alphabet will show you the magic, mystery, power and beauty in all the things that might have been.

A Bestiary Alphabet is an illustrated guide to mythological creatures for a general audience.

Book Details:

Hardcover: 96 pages
Publisher: Mirror World Publishing
Publish Date: October 17, 2019
ISBN-10: 1987976614
ISBN-13: 978-1987976618

Purchase Links:

Book Tour Schedule:

October 17 - Launch Day:

Mirror World Publishing - Spotlight

October 18:

Chris Pavesic - Spotlight

October 21:

YA/NA Book Divas - Spotlight

Tales from the Bayou - Spotlight

Sapphyria's Books - Review

October 22:

Jojo Debrazza - Spotlight

Books, Authors, Blogs - Spotlight

Sapphyria's Book Promotions - Spotlight

October 23:

Fang-tastic Books - Spotlight

October 24:

Sharon Ledwith: I came. I saw. I wrote. - Spotlight

Girl with Pen - Spotlight

Triple A Book Blog - Review

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Sign Up Still Open for the 1-week Virtual Tour for A Bestiary Alphabet by Felix Eddy ~ Illustrated Guide to #Mythological Creatures (October 17-24, 2019) #Mythology @MirrorWorldPub

To participate, please fill out the form below.

Thank you!


Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Now Scheduling a 1-week Virtual Tour for the Pagan Light Series by JoAnne Keltner - YA Paranormal @JoAnneKeltner (October 28-November 1, 2019)

Sign ups are now open for JoAnne Keltner's Pagan Light series.

About Possessed (formerly titled Goth Girl, Virgin Queen), Book 1:

Calling Jackie psychic makes her cringe. But Jackie’s no normal seventeen-year-old. She picks up emotions from people and objects like a freak. The emotions make her sick, and the guilt she feels for lying to her church when she was twelve causes her to deny her psychic abilities. But when her jealous friend Trish invites a demon to help her steal Jason's love for Jackie, Jackie must learn how to use her gift to protect Jason and herself and to heal the negative energies around them. To do so means she must overcome her guilt and accept who she is before the demon claims her soul.

Print book page count: 335

No sex

About Spellbound, Book 2:

After battling a demon from her great-grandmother’s past, Jackie Turov, a psychic and healer, accepts that all things are possible—even a romantic relationship with the young seminarian, David. But after an elderly church member, an immigrant from Russia, accuses Jackie and her great-grandmother, Babu, of being witches, Jackie questions if Babu was once an evil witch or just someone blessed with healing light. As Jackie sets out to find the truth about Babu’s troubling past, and ultimately about herself, her future with David hangs in the balance.

Print book page count: 376

No sex, just some passionate kissing

Genre: YA Paranormal

Blog Tour Dates: October 28-November 1, 20019   I don't require top or only post of the day for any of my tours.  Materials will include a standard post and an HTML. 

Sign up using the following link or fill out the form below:

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Scheduling a 1-week Virtual Tour for A Bestiary Alphabet by Felix Eddy ~ Illustrated Guide to Mythological Creatures (October 17-24, 2019) #Mythology @MirrorWorldPub

Sign ups are now open for A Bestiary Alphabet by Felix Eddy!

About A Bestiary Alphabet:

From Al-Mi’raj to Zlatarog, The Bestiary Alphabet features a different mythical creature for every letter of the alphabet, lovingly drawn and illustrated by the talented Felix Eddy.

Like the medieval bestiaries of old, the Bestiary Alphabet collects mythological creatures from all over the globe. Some are household names, others are delightful obscurities, but all will move and inspire you to dream of a world that you have never seen. Felix Eddy’s trip through the alphabet will show you the magic, mystery, power and beauty in all the things that might have been.

A Bestiary Alphabet is an illustrated guide to mythological creatures for a general audience - suitable for all websites/blogs.

This tour will run October 17-24, 2019 (no weekend dates).  I don't require top or only post of the day for any of my tours.  Materials will include a standard post and an HTML.

Genre: Mythology, Creatures, Art

92 pages

Sign up here:

Friday, October 4, 2019

Now Scheduling a 1-week Virtual Tour for the Pagan Light Series by JoAnne Keltner - YA Paranormal (October 28-November 1, 2019)

Sign ups are now open for JoAnne Keltner's Pagan Light series.

About Possessed (formerly titled Goth Girl, Virgin Queen), Book 1:

Calling Jackie psychic makes her cringe. But Jackie’s no normal seventeen-year-old. She picks up emotions from people and objects like a freak. The emotions make her sick, and the guilt she feels for lying to her church when she was twelve causes her to deny her psychic abilities. But when her jealous friend Trish invites a demon to help her steal Jason's love for Jackie, Jackie must learn how to use her gift to protect Jason and herself and to heal the negative energies around them. To do so means she must overcome her guilt and accept who she is before the demon claims her soul.

Print book page count: 335

No sex

About Spellbound, Book 2:

After battling a demon from her great-grandmother’s past, Jackie Turov, a psychic and healer, accepts that all things are possible—even a romantic relationship with the young seminarian, David. But after an elderly church member, an immigrant from Russia, accuses Jackie and her great-grandmother, Babu, of being witches, Jackie questions if Babu was once an evil witch or just someone blessed with healing light. As Jackie sets out to find the truth about Babu’s troubling past, and ultimately about herself, her future with David hangs in the balance.

Print book page count: 376

No sex, just some passionate kissing

Genre: YA Paranormal

Blog Tour Dates: October 28-November 1, 20019   I don't require top or only post of the day for any of my tours.  Materials will include a standard post and an HTML. 

**This tour will feature 2 separate giveaways - hosts are ALWAYS welcome to enter, as well.

Sign up using the following link or fill out the form below:

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Now Scheduling a 1-week Virtual Tour for the Pagan Light Series by JoAnne Keltner - YA Paranormal (October 28-November 1, 2019) @JoAnneKeltner

Sign ups are now open for JoAnne Keltner's Pagan Light series.

About Possessed (formerly titled Goth Girl, Virgin Queen), Book 1:

Calling Jackie psychic makes her cringe. But Jackie’s no normal seventeen-year-old. She picks up emotions from people and objects like a freak. The emotions make her sick, and the guilt she feels for lying to her church when she was twelve causes her to deny her psychic abilities. But when her jealous friend Trish invites a demon to help her steal Jason's love for Jackie, Jackie must learn how to use her gift to protect Jason and herself and to heal the negative energies around them. To do so means she must overcome her guilt and accept who she is before the demon claims her soul.

Print book page count: 335

No sex

About Spellbound, Book 2:

After battling a demon from her great-grandmother’s past, Jackie Turov, a psychic and healer, accepts that all things are possible—even a romantic relationship with the young seminarian, David. But after an elderly church member, an immigrant from Russia, accuses Jackie and her great-grandmother, Babu, of being witches, Jackie questions if Babu was once an evil witch or just someone blessed with healing light. As Jackie sets out to find the truth about Babu’s troubling past, and ultimately about herself, her future with David hangs in the balance.

Print book page count: 376

No sex, just some passionate kissing

Genre: YA Paranormal

Blog Tour Dates: October 28-November 1, 20019   I don't require top or only post of the day for any of my tours.  Materials will include a standard post and an HTML. 

Sign up using the following link or fill out the form below:

Now Scheduling a 1-week Virtual Tour for A Bestiary Alphabet by Felix Eddy ~ Illustrated Guide to Mythological Creatures (October 17-24, 2019) #Mythology @MirrorWorldPub

Sign ups are now open for A Bestiary Alphabet by Felix Eddy!

About A Bestiary Alphabet:

From Al-Mi’raj to Zlatarog, The Bestiary Alphabet features a different mythical creature for every letter of the alphabet, lovingly drawn and illustrated by the talented Felix Eddy.

Like the medieval bestiaries of old, the Bestiary Alphabet collects mythological creatures from all over the globe. Some are household names, others are delightful obscurities, but all will move and inspire you to dream of a world that you have never seen. Felix Eddy’s trip through the alphabet will show you the magic, mystery, power and beauty in all the things that might have been.

A Bestiary Alphabet is an illustrated guide to mythological creatures for a general audience - suitable for all websites/blogs.

This tour will run October 17-24, 2019 (no weekend dates).  I don't require top or only post of the day for any of my tours.  Materials will include a standard post and an HTML.

Genre: Mythology, Creatures, Art

92 pages

Sign up here:

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

New #Book Release ~ Exile: Unreachable Skies, Vol. 2 by Karen McCreedy ~ Fantasy, SciFi, Adventure @McKaren_Writer @MirrorWorldPub #Giveaway

Book Details:

Print Length: 286 pages
Publisher: Mirror World Publishing (
Publication Date: September 17, 2019

Genre: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Adventure

Follow the Tour to Learn About Exile, Read Exclusive Excerpts, and Enter the Giveaway:

About Exile:

Zarda, Fate-Seer of her people, the Drax, has chosen to join the wingless and their broken-winged dams on their long and dangerous journey into exile. But Kalis, the Prime she has abandoned, dispatches flyers to hunt her down and offers a reward to anyone who will give her up.

When their path takes them into the Crimson Forest, horror and death stalk the exiles beneath the vines. As the pain and hardship of banishment begin to take their toll, Zarda wonders which of the exiles will be the first to betray her, but nothing can prepare her for the discovery that awaits her beyond the furthest reaches of Drax territory; a discovery that has the power to alter the course of history.

Exile’ is the sequel to ‘Unreachable Skies’, and Karen is currently working on the third book in the trilogy.

Read an Excerpt from Exile:

“If you go through the Deadlands, you will all die.”

As I picked my way between strewn belongings, and smouldering campfires that did little to warm the icy dawn, it was the voice of Shaya, the Chief Hunter, which carried to me above the sound of breaking waves, whimpering younglings, and complaining females. Just two days ago, every wingless youngling, and every female who had produced one, had been sent into exile by our Prime, Kalis, urged on by his favourite adviser, Fazak. Yet already the arguments had started!

My nose alerted me to the stink of a shallow waste-pit and I edged around it, stepping over a broken beaker, and continued on toward the squabbling voices. As Kalis’ Fate-seer I was expected to return to my dwelling on the Spirax peninsula, a few nines of wingbeats across the bay, but a Vision had shown me that my future lay with the exiles and, after visiting my Dream-cave, I had flown to their makeshift encampment.

The females, their wings broken by Kalis’ new Elite Guard, had been netted over the river along with their younglings, and had been left on the claw of reed-tufted sand that jutted into the ocean from the Manybend estuary’s north shore. As I’d circled over the nines of fires, their spiralling layout had shown that someone had taken charge of setting the camp properly, and my sole concern had been finding somewhere to land without being seen. In the end I had set down on the beach to the north, wetting my feet as I landed at the edge of the incoming tide. Taking care to make sure I would not leave any traces of my approach, I had walked along the tideline till I reached the promontory at daybreak. I had intended to find my friend Doran and make myself known to her, but the sound of raised voices had drawn my attention, and I had instead made my way across the camp to the ridge of snow-covered ground that separated the hook of sand from the mud of the Deadlands. I smelled cooking – branmeal bubbling in a pot to my left, meat patties warming in a pan to my right. My stomachs rumbled a protest that I was not stopping to eat, but my attention was on the group at the foot of the slope where Shaya stood, and the arguments that I could now hear more clearly.

“The Deadlands are frozen, Shaya, just like everywhere else. I don't see why we can't walk straight across them to the Ambit river. We can head for the Eye, or even the river upstream from there where it narrows and will be easier to cross.”

I didn't recognise the speaker, though I knew from her copper tunic that she was an Artisan. As Shaya set her ears to a more aggressive angle and began to explain the dangers of the Deadlands – the thin ice masking mud that was deep enough to drown in, brambletrap that would feed on any creature living or dead – I spotted Doran’s russet fur and green-and-black Healer’s tunic amid the crowd. Forgetting that I had changed my appearance by dyeing my fur and changing my tunic from Fate-seer black to Trader blue, I made my way over to her and said, “Doran, what's going on?”

She twisted an ear my way, gave me a sniff, and looked me up and down. “I'm sorry, do I know you?”

I took a quick look round. Nineties of females were attending to their younglings, cooking meals, or still rolled in blankets, sleeping. Those in the group surrounding Shaya had their attention on what she was saying. Only Doran had an ear twisted my way. “It's me,” I hissed, “Zarda. I promised I would join you, didn't I?”

“But you're…” she said as she waved a paw from the neck of my tunic to my feet, “you look so different.” She sounded disappointed. “I've been waiting for you to come. I thought that having Zarda the Fate-seer join us would help all these drax to face what lies ahead. But if they don't know it's you…”

It had not occurred to me that I might help anyone's morale. “I came because I Saw that I should,” I said, “and because Kalis no longer listens to me. Besides, if Dru is to fulfil his destiny and defeat the Koth, he'll need help and guidance from a Fate-seer, especially—” No. Only members of the council knew that Dru had the Sight, and we had agreed to keep it secret for the moment. Doran had no need to know – not yet. I dismissed what I’d been about to say with a flick of an ear that told Doran it was of no importance, and spiralled a paw across the front of my tunic. “I can't be Zarda here. I know Kalis isn't interested in anything I have to say, but he is a stickler for tradition. I've left him without a Fate-seer and he won't be happy. He'll send the Guardflight to look for me – maybe even his new Elite Guard. And I think we can both guess what will happen to me if they find me.” As I finished talking, I turned my head to indicate the pathetic figure huddled in a blanket, sitting alone in the shadows beyond the encampment fires.

Doran flicked an ear in sympathy – the other was still turned toward Shaya and the ongoing argument – and ran a paw over her tunic. “I never liked Varna, but to lose her wings like that…” She shuddered, then leaned toward me to confide, “She howled through the entire first day. Only subsided to a whimper when Limar threatened to bind her mouth shut. Dru kept taking her beakers of soup from Limar’s cauldron, and showed her things he’d found on the beach, but she snapped and snarled every time he went near her. In the end, he stayed by the fire over there with Limar.” Turning back to face me, she waggled an ear in apology. “I suppose you’re right, you can't be seen to have joined us. Not yet, anyway. I just hoped…” she said, indicating the group arguing with Shaya. “Perhaps if the Fate-seer had been able to step in, these silly females wouldn’t be proposing to cross the Deadlands on foot.”

Purchase Links:

Mirror World Publishing eBook
Mirror World Publishing Paperback

Book 1 in the Trilogy:

Unreachable Skies, Vol. 1

Mirror World Publishing


Meet the Author:

Brought up in Staffordshire, England, Karen now lives in West Sussex where she is enjoying her retirement. When not writing, she enjoys reading, watching films, local WI and U3A activities, volunteering with the South Downs National Park Volunteer Rangers, and spending time with friends and family. She has also flown in a Spitfire!

Karen has written articles on films and British history for a number of British magazines including ‘Yours’, ‘Classic Television’, and ‘Best of British’. In 2009, her essay on ‘British Propaganda Films of the Second World War’ was published in ‘Under Fire: A Century of War Movies’ (Ian Allen Publishing).

She also wrote a number of online articles and reviews for The Geek Girl Project (, as their British correspondent.

Karen’s short stories have appeared in anthologies by Fiction Brigade (2012, e-book), Zharmae Publishing (‘RealLies’, 2013), Audio Arcadia (‘On Another Plane’, 2015), Luna Station Publishing (‘Luna Station Quarterly’ December 2015), Horrified Press (‘Killer Tracks’ and ‘Waiting’, both 2015; and ‘Crossroads’, 2016), and Reflex Fiction (‘Voicemail’, published online 2017). She also won second prize in Writers’ News magazine’s ‘Comeuppance’ competition in 2014 with her short story ‘Hero’.

Exile’ is the sequel to ‘Unreachable Skies’, and Karen is currently working on the third book in the trilogy.

You can follow Karen on Twitter @McKaren_Writer, or check out her website at

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